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Aerospike C Client


The Aerospike C client allows you to build C/C++ applications to store and retrieve data from the Aerospike cluster. The C client is a smart client that periodically pings nodes for cluster status and manages interactions with the cluster. The following functionality is supported.

  • Database commands
    • Key/Value
    • Map/List collections
    • Batch read
    • Scan
    • Secondary index query
    • User defined Lua functions
    • Expression filters
  • Both synchronous and asynchronous command models
  • Asynchronous model supports the following event frameworks.
    • libev
    • libevent
    • libuv
  • Thread safe API
  • Shared memory cluster tend state for multi-process applications
  • TLS secure sockets

See Files for aerospike header files.
See Types for aerospike types.
See Developer Guide for installation instructions and example code.