PrivilegeCode Enumeration

Permission codes define the type of permission granted for a user's role.


Namespace: Aerospike.Client
Assembly: AerospikeClient (in AerospikeClient.dll) Version: 7.0.1
public enum PrivilegeCode


USER_ADMIN0 User can edit/remove other users. Global scope only.
SYS_ADMIN1 User can perform systems administration functions on a database that do not involve user administration. Examples include server configuration. Global scope only.
DATA_ADMIN2 User can perform UDF and SINDEX administration actions. Global scope only.
UDF_ADMIN3 User can perform user defined function(UDF) administration actions. Examples include create/drop UDF. Global scope only. Requires server version 6.0+
SINDEX_ADMIN4 User can perform secondary index administration actions. Examples include create/drop index. Global scope only. Requires server version 6.0+
READ10 User can read data.
READ_WRITE11 User can read and write data.
READ_WRITE_UDF12 User can read and write data through user defined functions.
WRITE13 User can write data.
TRUNCATE14 User can truncate data. Requires server version 6.0+

See Also