IAsyncClientGet(BatchPolicy, RecordSequenceListener, Key) Method

Asynchronously read multiple records for specified keys in one batch call. Schedule the get command with a channel selector and return. Another thread will process the command and send the results to the listener in multiple unordered calls.

If a key is not found, the record will be null.


Namespace: Aerospike.Client
Assembly: AerospikeClient (in AerospikeClient.dll) Version: 7.3.0+ce4f0b6532a6a09537fffcf84d41de9c9c921c0a
void Get(
	BatchPolicy policy,
	RecordSequenceListener listener,
	Key[] keys


policy  BatchPolicy
batch configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
listener  RecordSequenceListener
where to send results
keys  Key
array of unique record identifiers


AerospikeExceptionif queue is full

See Also