MetricsPolicy Class

Client periodic metrics configuration.


Namespace: Aerospike.Client
Assembly: AerospikeClient (in AerospikeClient.dll) Version: 7.3.0+ce4f0b6532a6a09537fffcf84d41de9c9c921c0a
public sealed class MetricsPolicy
Object    MetricsPolicy


MetricsPolicy Default constructor.
MetricsPolicy(MetricsPolicy) Copy constructor.



Interval Number of cluster tend iterations between metrics notification events. One tend iteration is defined as {@link ClientPolicy#tendInterval} (default 1 second) plus the time to tend all nodes. Default: 30
LatencyColumns Number of elapsed time range buckets in latency histograms. Default: 7
LatencyShift Power of 2 multiple between each range bucket in latency histograms starting at column 3. The bucket units are in milliseconds.The first 2 buckets are <=1ms and >1ms. Examples:
             // latencyColumns=7 latencyShift=1
             <=1ms >1ms >2ms >4ms >8ms >16ms >32ms
             // latencyColumns=5 latencyShift=3
             <=1ms >1ms >8ms >64ms >512ms
Default: 1
Listener Listener that handles metrics notification events. The default listener implementation writes the metrics snapshot to a file which will later be read and forwarded to OpenTelemetry by a separate offline application.

The listener could be overridden to send the metrics snapshot directly to OpenTelemetry.

ReportDir Directory path to write metrics log files for listeners that write logs. Default: current directory
ReportSizeLimit Metrics file size soft limit in bytes for listeners that write logs.

When reportSizeLimit is reached or exceeded, the current metrics file is closed and a new metrics file is created with a new timestamp.If reportSizeLimit is zero, the metrics file size is unbounded and the file will only be closed when {@link com.aerospike.client.AerospikeClient#disableMetrics()} or TODO { link com.aerospike.client.AerospikeClient#close()} is called.

Default: 0

See Also