Aerospike Database 5.7: Operational, Query, and Security Enhancements
Aerospike 4.8: Enhanced Persistent Memory Support and Compression
Aerospike 4.9: New Functionality for Developers
Aerospike Database 5: Multi-site Clustering and Cross Datacenter Replication
Aerospike Database 5.1: Security Enhancements including HashiCorp Vault Integration
AWS I4i Instances Provide Superior Performance for Aerospike
Aerospike Database 5.2: XDR Enhancements & Predicate Filters
Aerospike Database 5.3: XDR Filtering with Expressions & Expanded Multi-Site Clustering
Aerospike Database 5.4: Usability Improvements & Human-Readable XDR Filter Expressions
Aerospike Database 5.6: Developer Cornucopia
Aerospike Database 5.5: XDR Convergence
Set Index Performance
Announcing Aerospike 4.7 – the First Commercial Database to Support the Intel® Ethernet 800 Series with ADQ