Aerospike Standup Volume 7
Welcome to the Aerospike standup, a newsletter written by developers for developers, that brings together blog posts, questions from the community, documentation, releases and events, written by the Aerospike team.
Questions From the Community
Restore a backup that was taken long back with expired keys (TOOLS-1503)
Partition-level scan: is it possible to split up a scan into finer-grained things than a node?
New Articles
Upcoming Events
Viettel’s Journey to an International-Awarded Online Charging System With Aerospike, Webinar: Live online July 7, 2020, 5:00 PM (SGT)
What to Look for in a Globally Distributed System, Webinar: Live online July 14, 2020, 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET
9/15-17/2020 - CEFPro Fraud and Financial payment virtual tradeshow (Global)
9/23-24/2020 - Big Data London virtual tradeshow
10/5 - 10/9/2020 - FinTech So. Atlanta virtual tradeshow
10/25-10/28/2020 - Money 20/20 USA virtual tradeshow
Release Notes
June 8:
June 10:
June 17:
Go Client
June 18:
June 19: