Happy August! We’re happy to have everyone on this edition of the Aerospike Standup, a newsletter written by developers for developers. As always you will find here blog posts, questions from the community, documentation, releases and events, written by the Aerospike team. This volume we’re celebrating the release of v5.1!
We’ll be sharing this newsletter with updates every other week. If you want to get updates to your email, click here to subscribe.
Questions From the Community
New Articles
Aerospike Database 5.1: Security Enhancements including HashiCorp Vault Integration, Paul Jensen VP of Engineering Operations, Aerospike
Authentication and Authorization using Aerospike REST Client, Eugene R.
Aerospike on EKS (AWS K8s), dev.to, Ken Tune, Solution Architect, Aerospike
Ansible for Aerospike, dev.to, Ken Tune, Solution Architect, Aerospike
Release Notes
July 19:
REST Client
July 20
C# Client
July 27
July 30
Rust Client
July 31
New/Updated Documentation
Optional integration for Hashicorp Vault
New or changed XDR configuration parameters and metrics:
period-ms governs the length of cycling through the XDR transaction queue.
write-policy is one of auto (default), update, or replace. “auto” and “update” accommodate on bin shipping.
compression-level controls the amount of compression applied to data-in-transit to remote destinations. Must be accompanied by
sc-replication-wait-ms is the time to wait between replications in the transaction queue to allow client writes to finish actual replication when Strong Consistency is enabled.
retry_no_node metric tracks when a node at the destination cannot be found.
Other configuration parameter changes:
Default for parameter proto-fd-idle-ms is now 0.
New parameter microsecond-histograms allows finer granularity on histograms.
Upcoming Events
– Sponsored Session – Distributed Data Storage & Streaming for Real-time Decisioning using Kafka, Spark and Aerospike. Aug 24, 11:30AM PDT
Enterprise Database Strategies for 2020
– An Examination of IT Data Management Trends and How the Industry Responds, Webinar: Live online Aug 27, 2020, 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET