Welcome to the Aerospike Standup, a newsletter written by developers for developers, that brings together blog posts, questions from the community, documentation, releases and events, written by the Aerospike team.
We’ll be sharing the updates every other week. If you want to get updates to your email, click here to subscribe.
Questions From the Community
News Articles
Release Notes
September 30:
October 1:
October 5:
Ruby Client
October 8:
October 12:
Ruby Client
October 14:
October 16:
Prometheus Exporter
October 19:
October 21
New/Updated Documentation
Added a section documenting for the new Aerospike Expressions. The old Predicate Filtering doc is now deprecated.
Updated the Data Types docs.
FAQ – Is it possible for tcp dump to impact Aerospike transactions?
How To recover data from faulty disks when a multi-node disk failure occurs
Benchmark throughput drops to 0 when node removed from Aerospike cluster
FAQ – What does ‘encryption key or algorithm mismatch’ mean?
Upcoming Events
CIO 100 2020: The Conference, Location: Virtual Event, Date: November 20, 2020