Welcome to the Aerospike Standup, a newsletter written by developers for developers, that brings together blog posts, questions from the community, documentation, releases and events, written by the Aerospike team.
We’ll be sharing the updates every other week. If you want to get updates to your email, click here to subscribe.
Questions From the Community
What would happen ,when one node in cluser have configure a different disk size
How to troubleshoot warnings in Aerospike logs after node restart
News Articles
The Power of Aerospike Expressions – Version 5.2+ On Medium
Release Notes
November 23
November 25
November 27
November 30
December 1
Ruby Client
December 2
December 4
December 8
C# Client
December 10
December 11
Java Client
New/Updated Documentation
Updated documentation for Aerospike Connect for Presto (beta)
FAQ – How does Aerospike defragmentation behave with respect to write queues
How do I monitor client traffic and connections to Aerospike?
Upcoming Events
Building Infrastructure for ML Applications, NYC Go User Group, virtual Meetup, Dec. 16th, 5:00 pm EST
Highway to High Availability, TLV Community, virtual Meetup, Dec 17th, 16:40 GMT+2