Welcome to the Aerospike Standup, a newsletter written by developers for developers, that brings together blog posts, questions from the community, documentation, releases and events, written by the Aerospike team.
Hello World!
We’ll be sharing the updates every other week. If you want to get updates to your email, click here to subscribe.
Questions From the Community
Intermittent spikes in user mode cpu usage only on a single aerospike node
Getting Aerospike timeout with multiple java client in application
New Articles
Serverless Event Stream Processing with Aerospike by Abhilash Mandaliya
Check out this Jupyter Notebook about thee Java Object Mapper
Knowledge Base
Aerospike node asserts and shuts down with ‘Too Many Chunks’ during migration
FAQ – What are Best Practices for Shutting Down Async Eventloops
FAQ – Are non-retryable exceptions in Java threadPool passed to caller?
Upcoming Events
On November 16 Natalie will speak about the Aerospike k8s operator at the
On December 7-11 Natalie will be giving the closing keynote of day 1 at GopherCon. Join the talk about
Release Notes
November 2
October 30
October 27
October 25
October 24
Connect for Presto – Trino