Record UDF Unique Set Example
This example implements a simple Unique Set. The set is stored in a list, and all searches are linear.
This example is a simplistic version of how we manage Large Sets. We manage a list of elements and the for each insert, do a search to make search we're not violating the uniqueness quality of a set.
-- ======================================================================
-- unique_set_write( rec, setBinName, newValue )
-- ======================================================================
-- This UDF adds a new value to a unique list. If the value is already
-- present in the set, a "unique violation" error is returned.
-- For simplicity, we basically turn all values into strings, unless the
-- value is already a string. That simplifies compares.
-- Parms:
-- (*) rec: the main Aerospike Record
-- (*) setBinName
-- (*) newValue: the new value passed in by the user
-- Return:
-- (Success): 0
-- (Error): Map{status=0, msg="Error Message"}
-- ======================================================================
function unique_set_write( rec, udfBin, newValue )
local meth = "unique_set_write()";
trace("[ENTER]<%s> udfBin(%s) Value(%s) valType(%s)",
meth, tostring(udfBin), tostring(newValue), type(newValue));
local rc = 0;
local setCtrl;
local setList;
local stringValue = tostring( newValue ); -- everything is a string
-- Check for the record and the bin, create if not yet there.
if( not aerospike:exists(rec) ) then
rc = aerospike:create( rec );
if( rc == nil or rec == nil ) then
warn("[ERROR]<%s> Problems creating record", meth );
error("ERROR creating record");
info("<CHECK><%s> Check Create Result(%s)", meth, tostring(rc));
if( rec[udfBin] == nil ) then
trace("[DB]<%s> Creating new Bin(%s)", meth, udfBin );
-- It's a new bin, so everything starts out fresh
setCtrl = map();
setList = list();
list.append( setList, newValue );
setCtrl.SetList = setList;
trace("[DB]<%s> Using Existing Bin(%s)", meth, udfBin );
-- It's an existing record, get the list, check for uniqueness and then
-- insert if it's not already there.
setCtrl = rec[udfBin];
setList = setCtrl.SetList;
local listSize = list.size( setList );
trace("[DB]<%s> Map(%s) Searching list(%s) for Val(%s)",
meth, tostring(setCtrl), tostring(setList), stringValue );
for i = 1, listSize, 1 do
if( stringValue == tostring( setList[i] ) ) then
warn("[ERROR]<%s> Value(%s) already exists", meth, stringValue );
list.append( setList, newValue );
end -- end else record already exists
-- store the set structure back into the record (this is necessary).
rec[udfBin] = setCtrl;
-- All done -- update the record (checking for errors on update)
rc = aerospike:update( rec );
info("[DEBUG]<%s> record update: rc(%s)", meth,tostring(rc));
if( rc ~= nil and rc ~= 0 ) then
warn("[ERROR]<%s> record update: rc(%s)", meth,tostring(rc));
error("ERROR updating the record");
info("<CHECK><%s> Check Update Result(%s)", meth, tostring(rc));
rc = 0;
trace("[EXIT]:<%s> RC(0)", meth );
return 0;
end -- unique_set_write()
-- ======================================================================
-- unique_set_read( rec, setBinName, searchValue )
-- ======================================================================
-- This UDF searches the list and returns 1 if the value is found and 0
-- if not found.
-- For simplicity, we basically turn all values into strings, unless the
-- value is already a string. That simplifies compares.
-- Parms:
-- (*) rec: the main Aerospike Record
-- (*) setBinName
-- (*) searchValue: the value we're looking for
-- Return:
-- (Found):1
-- (Not Found):0
-- ======================================================================
function unique_set_read( rec, udfBin, searchValue )
local meth = "unique_set_read()";
trace("[ENTER]<%s> udfBin(%s) Value(%s) valType(%s)",
meth, tostring(udfBin), tostring(searchValue), type(searchValue));
local rc = 0;
local setCtrl;
local result = 0; -- start off pessimistic
local stringValue = tostring(searchValue);
-- Check for the record and the bin proceed only if found.
if( aerospike:exists( rec ) and rec[udfBin] ~= nil ) then
local setCtrl = rec[udfBin];
local setList = setCtrl.SetList;
local listSize = list.size( setList );
for i = 1, listSize, 1 do
if( stringValue == tostring( setList[i] ) ) then
result = 1;
trace("[EXIT]:<%s> Result(%d)", meth, result);
return result;
end -- unique_set_read()
-- ======================================================================
-- unique_set_scan( rec, setBinName )
-- ======================================================================
-- This UDF returns a list that contains all elements of the unique set.
-- Parms:
-- (*) rec: the main Aerospike Record
-- (*) setBinName
-- Return:
-- List, either empty or holding set contents
-- ======================================================================
function unique_set_scan( rec, udfBin )
local meth = "unique_set_scan()";
trace("[ENTER]<%s> udfBin(%s)", meth, tostring(udfBin));
local rc = 0;
local setCtrl;
local result = 0; -- start off pessimistic
local resultList = list();
-- Check for the record and the bin proceed only if found.
if( aerospike:exists( rec ) and rec[udfBin] ~= nil ) then
local setCtrl = rec[udfBin];
local setList = setCtrl.SetList;
local listSize = list.size( setList );
resultList = list.take( setList, listSize );
trace("[EXIT]:<%s> ResultList(%s)", meth, tostring(resultList));
return resultList;
end -- unique_set_scan()
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-- <EOF> -- <EOF> -- <EOF> -- <EOF> -- <EOF> -- <EOF> -- <EOF> -- <EOF> --
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