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Version: Graph 2.1.0

Configuring AGS

Configuration options

You can specify AGS configuration options as part of an AGS configuration file or as command line options when starting the AGS Docker image.

Default: localhost:3000
Allowable values: Any string that follows <host>:<port> format.
Accessible address of one or more Aerospike seed nodes, specified as <host>:<port> in a comma-separated list.

Option: aerospike.client.timeout
Default: 2000
Allowable values: 1 - 100000
Timeout assigned to the Aerospike client (in milliseconds).

Option: aerospike.client.user
Default: none
Allowable values: String values. Must match a user configured for the Aerospike database instance.
Username to use when connecting to the Aerospike cluster if login security is enabled.

Option: aerospike.client.password
Default: none
Allowable values: String values. Must match Aerospike password for specified user.
Password to use when connecting to the Aerospike cluster if login security is enabled.

Option: aerospike.client.namespace
Default: test
Allowable values: String values. Must match an existing Aerospike namespace.
Namespace to use for storage of graph data. Note: This namespace must already exist on the Aerospike database cluster before starting AGS.

Option: aerospike.client.tls
Default: false
Allowable values: true, false
Enable TLS.

Option: aerospike.graph.log.level
Default: INFO
Log level for the AGS instance. Allowable values are in ascending order of verbosity.

Option: aerospike.graph.index.vertex.label.enabled
Default: false
Allowable values: true, false
Enable indexing of vertex labels.

Default: none
Allowable values: Any string.
Comma-delimited list of vertex properties to create an index on.

Option: aerospike.graph.summary.enabled
Default: true
Allowable values: true, false
Enable summary metadata for Aerospike Graph.

Option: aerospike.graph.summary.ticker.enabled
Default: true
Allowable values: true, false
Enable Aerospike Graph summary metadata ticker.

Option: aerospike.graph.prometheus.port
Default: 9090
Allowable values: 0 to 65353 Port on which Prometheus listens for requests.

Option: aerospike.graph.prometheus.path
Default: /metrics
Allowable values: Any URI-compatible string. URI path of the Prometheus web interface.

Option: aerospike.graph.client.maxErrorRate
Default: ` **Allowable values:** Number of errors per second (such as TCP resets or timeouts and other network errors) before the client stops trying to connect for the remainder of that 1 second. IfmaxErrorRate` is 0, there is no error limit and the exception will never be thrown. Pass through option for the Aerospike Java Client. See API documentation.

Option: aerospike.graph.client.maxConnectionsPerNode
Default: 300
Allowable values: integer
Maximum number of connections per AGS node. Pass through option for the Aerospike Java Client. See API documentation.

Option: aerospike.graph.client.minConnectionsPerNode
Default: 0
Allowable values: integer
Minimum number of connections per AGS node. Pass through option for the Aerospike Java Client. See API documentation.

Option: aerospike.graph.client.connectTimeout
Default: 0
Allowable values: integer
Time interval to allow a client connection to try to connect before timing out. Set to 0 for no timeout limit. Pass through option for the Aerospike Java Client. See API documentation.

Option: aerospike.graph.client.timeoutDelay
Default: 0
Allowable values: integer
Time interval to wait after a client times out before returning the connection to the connection pool. Set to 0 for no timeout delay limit. Pass through option for the Aerospike Java Client. See API documentation.