Collection data types
Aerospike collection data types contain an arbitrary number of scalar data type elements, as well as nesting other CDT (list, map) elements
Aerospike collection data types contain an arbitrary number of scalar data type elements, as well as nesting other CDT (list, map) elements
Applying operations on deeply nested List and Map elements
Examples of modeling with Aerospike lists
The Aerospike List data type, and its API
Defining secondary indexes and running queries on Aerospike list values
Use Aerospike list operations to manipulate lists on the Aerospike server.
Computational complexity of Aerospike list operations.
The Aerospike Map data type, and its API
Defining secondary indexes and running queries on Aerospike map keys and values
Use Aerospike map operations to manipulate maps on the Aerospike server.
Examples of modeling with Aerospike maps.
Computational complexity of map operations
Element ordering for Aerospike collection data types (List and Map).