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Command-Line Utility (cli)


Deprecated beginning with Aerospike Tools 3.9.0.

The Aerospike Command Line Tool (cli) allows simple command line execution of basic get, set, and delete commands to validate basic database operations. You can get the usage information of the command line tool as follows:


Execute a command against an Aerospike cluster.



  • -t, --target <host:port>

    a cluster node to query (host:port)


  • -h, --host <host>

    host of the cluster node to query


  • -p, --port <port>

    port of the cluster node to query

    default: 3000

  • -U, --user <user name>

    User name to access record, required when using the enterprise security feature.

  • -P, --password [password]

    Password to access record, required when using the enterprise security feature.

  • -o, --operand <operand>

    Database operation, note that set and put are equivalent: get, set, put, delete

    default: get

  • -n --namespace <ns>

    the namespace to operate on

    default: test

  • -s --set <set>

    the set the key belongs in

    default: ""

  • -k, --key

    key - must be set, no default

  • --d64, --digest-base64

    Interpret key as a base64 digest

  • --d16, --digest-base16, --digest-hex

    Interpret key as a base16 (hex) digest

  • -i, --integer-key, --key-integer

    True if key is a integer

  • -b, --bin

    name of the bin

    default: ""

  • -e, --recordttl <ttl>

    record TTL

    default: None

  • -v, --value


  • --verbose

    make the request verbose


Set an object with a key string of "server01" and a value of "This is my hostname" in the namespace "users"

cli -o set -n users -k server01 -v "This is my hostname"

Get a records with a key of "server01" from the namespace "users"

cli -o get -n users -k server01

Note that this tool is meant to be used for basic validation only. Aerospike is not intended to be used through the command line tool. cli creates a new connection pool for every transaction which is very inefficient.