Hybrid Memory Architecture Drives Real-Time Systems of Engagement – Forrester Thought Leadership Paper
Replace Traditional In-Memory Architectures To Better Win, Serve, And Retain Customers
Traditional memory architectures, such as distributed caching, are failing to meet new business requirements for building and delivering real-time applications. Hybrid memory architecture (HMA) is a new approach that delivers consistent, trusted, reliable, and low-latency access to data while lowering costs of ownership, reducing server footprints, and improving scalability. In this June 2017 study commissioned by Aerospike, Forrester Consulting explored the awareness, adoption and benefits of a Hybrid Memory Architecture. Download Hybrid Memory Architecture Drives Real-Time Systems of Engagement, Replace Traditional In-Memory Architectures To Better Win, Serve, And Retain Customers to learn:
- Current levels of hybrid memory awareness and implementation within North American organizations
- Challenges with current in-memory architectures
- How leading companies across financial services, telco and adtech are using HMA to gain a competitive advantage
- Forrester’s key recommendations
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