Aerospike Academy

Quickly get up to speed with Aerospike.

Access Aerospike Academy

Cut down the learning curve and quickly get your team up to speed

Aerospike Academy makes it easy to understand and utilize the complete features of the Aerospike Database and Aerospike Connect. Developed and delivered by a team of Aerospike experts, our Academy courses allow your Operations and Development teams to run at the speed of the Aerospike Database.

Onsite Training
Bring in our expert trainers on-site to interact with your team and provide a tailored curriculum that focuses on your use-cases.
Our On-Demand Courses can be taken at your convenience and as often as you need. These courses contain video and hands-on lessons to give you the instruction and practical experience that you need to become an Aerospike pro.
Our training curriculum can be tailored to fit your organization's needs and focus on your use cases with a mix of onsite and remote training in our Operator and Developer learning tracks.

Courses designed to accelerate adoption and implementation

Aerospike Academy offers weekly instructor-led and on-demand training sessions in the US, EMEA, and APAC regions.

Intro to Aerospike Enterprise Edition

An introduction to the foundational elements of Aerospike. Explore the architecture and configuration of Aerospike through guided learning and hands-on lessons.

Server Operations Part I

Jump in and discover the essentials for managing device storage and keeping your Aerospike cluster in a healthy state.

Server Operations Part II

Dig into the details of read and write transactions within Aerospike and explore various latency histograms collected by the server, available for diagnosis.

Developing for Aerospike

Introduce yourself to the Aerospike client side API's and explore Key-value operations, User Defined Functions, Queries, Secondary Indexes, and Data Modeling.

Data Modeling

Learn creative ways to model data in Aerospike that solve common use cases, as well as advanced design patterns for modeling data in high performance NoSQL databases.

Advanced Features

This course explores advanced features contained in Aerospike's recent releases.

Cross Datacenter Replication (XDR)

A hands-on course covering the inner workings of Cross-Datacenter Replication (XDR). You will learn XDR configuration options and monitoring metrics for your operational requirements.

Strong Consistency Mode

A course for both Aerospike Administrators and Developers; explore Strong Consistency (CP) mode in Aerospike and the distinct advantages offered over Availability (AP) mode.

Developer Certification Exam

Certify your expertise with our Aerospike Developer Certification Exam.

Operator Certification Exam

Certify your expertise with our Aerospike Operator Certification Exam.
Our Approach

Aerospike Academy course benefits

The training program offers extensive resources to ensure you can quickly get up to speed with Aerospike

Get started
  • Hands-On Labs & Quizzes

    All courses include hands-on exercises to put your new skills immediately into practice.
  • Proof of Completion

    Certification exams for the Developer or Operator tracks allow you to demonstrate your expertise.
  • Active Discussion Forums

    Participate in knowledge sharing discussion forums with other Aerospike experts.

Learn more about Aerospike training options