Aerospike.Client Namespace

Aerospike Client Library


AbortStatus Transaction abort error status code
AdminPolicy Policy attributes used for user administration commands.
AerospikeClient Instantiate an AerospikeClient object to access an Aerospike database cluster and perform database operations.

This client is thread-safe. One client instance should be used per cluster. Multiple threads should share this cluster instance.

Your application uses this class API to perform database operations such as writing and reading records, and selecting sets of records. Write operations include specialized functionality such as append/prepend and arithmetic addition.

Each record may have multiple bins, unless the Aerospike server nodes are configured as "single-bin". In "multi-bin" mode, partial records may be written or read by specifying the relevant subset of bins.

AerospikeException Aerospike exceptions that can be thrown from the client.
AerospikeException.Backoff Exception thrown when node is in backoff mode due to excessive number of errors.
AerospikeException.BatchExists Exception thrown when a batch exists method fails.
AerospikeException.BatchRecordArray Exception thrown when a batch write method fails. The records fields contains responses for key requests that succeeded and result codes for key requests that failed.
AerospikeException.BatchRecords Exception thrown when a batch read method fails. The records fields contains responses for key requests that succeeded and null records for key requests that failed.
AerospikeException.CommandRejected Exception thrown when asynchronous command was rejected because the max concurrent database commands have been exceeded.
AerospikeException.Commit Exception thrown when a transaction commit fails. Commit Exception has similar behavior to AggregateException. InnerExceptions might be populated if mutliple exceptions contribute to the failure.
AerospikeException.Connection Exception thrown when client can't connect to the server.
AerospikeException.InvalidNamespace Exception thrown when namespace is invalid.
AerospikeException.InvalidNode Exception thrown when chosen node is not active.
AerospikeException.Parse Exception thrown when client can't parse data returned from server.
AerospikeException.QueryTerminated Exception thrown when query was terminated prematurely.
AerospikeException.ScanTerminated Exception thrown when scan was terminated prematurely.
AerospikeException.Serialize Exception thrown when a default serialization error occurs.
AerospikeException.Timeout Exception thrown when database request expires before completing.
AsyncClient Asynchronous Aerospike client.

Your application uses this class to perform asynchronous database operations such as writing and reading records, and selecting sets of records. Write operations include specialized functionality such as append/prepend and arithmetic addition.

This client is thread-safe. One client instance should be used per cluster. Multiple threads should share this cluster instance.

Each record may have multiple bins, unless the Aerospike server nodes are configured as "single-bin". In "multi-bin" mode, partial records may be written or read by specifying the relevant subset of bins.

AsyncClientPolicy Asynchronous client policy configuration.
AsyncConnectionArgs Normal async connection implemented with SocketAsyncEventArgs.
AsyncConnectionTls Async TLS connection.
AsyncNode Asynchronous server node representation.
BaseTask Task used to poll for server task completion.
BatchDeletePolicy Policy attributes used in batch delete commands.
BatchPolicy Batch parent policy.
BatchReadPolicy Policy attributes used in batch read commands.
BatchRecord Batch key and record result.
BatchResults Batch record results.
BatchUDFPolicy Policy attributes used in batch UDF execute commands.
BatchWritePolicy Policy attributes used in batch write commands.
BitExp Bit expression generator. See Exp.

The bin expression argument in these methods can be a reference to a bin or the result of another expression. Expressions that modify bin values are only used for temporary expression evaluation and are not permanently applied to the bin. Bit modify expressions return the blob bin's value.

Offset orientation is left-to-right. Negative offsets are supported. If the offset is negative, the offset starts backwards from end of the bitmap. If an offset is out of bounds, a parameter error will be returned.

BitOperation Bit operations. Create bit operations used by client operate command. Offset orientation is left-to-right. Negative offsets are supported. If the offset is negative, the offset starts backwards from end of the bitmap. If an offset is out of bounds, a parameter error will be returned.

Bit operations on bitmap items nested in lists/maps are not currently supported by the server.

BitPolicy Bit operation policy.
BlockScheduler Block until command slot is available.
ClientPolicy Client initialization arguments.
ClusterStats Cluster statistics.
CommitError Transaction error status.
CommitStatus Transaction commit status code.
ConnectionStats Connection statistics.
CTX Nested CDT context. Identifies the location of nested list/map to apply the operation. for the current level. An array of CTX identifies location of the list/map on multiple levels on nesting.
DelayScheduler Put command on delay queue for later execution if capacity has been reached.
ExecuteTask Task used to poll for long running execute job completion.
Exp Expression generator.
ExpOperation Expression operations.
Expression Packed expression byte instructions.
Filter Query filter used to narrow down query results.
HLLExp HyperLogLog (HLL) expression generator. See Exp.

The bin expression argument in these methods can be a reference to a bin or the result of another expression. Expressions that modify bin values are only used for temporary expression evaluation and are not permanently applied to the bin. HLL modify expressions return the HLL bin's value.

HLLOperation HyperLogLog (HLL) operations.

HyperLogLog operations on HLL items nested in lists/maps are not currently supported by the server.

HLLPolicy HyperLogLog operation policy.
Host Host name/port of database server.
IndexTask Task used to poll for long running create index completion.
Info Access server's info monitoring protocol.

The info protocol is a name/value pair based system, where an individual database server node is queried to determine its configuration and status. The list of supported names can be found at:

InfoPolicy Policy attributes used for info commands.
Join Client-side join definition. The left record must contain a bin with a list of keys. That list will be used to retreive other records in the given namespace and set.
Key Unique record identifier. Records can be identified using a specified namespace, an optional set name, and a user defined key which must be unique within a set. Records can also be identified by namespace/digest which is the combination used on the server.
KeyRecord Container object for key identifier and record data.
LatencyBuckets Latency buckets for a command group (See Latency.LatencyType). Latency bucket counts are cumulative and not reset on each metrics snapshot interval.
ListExp List expression generator. See Exp.

The bin expression argument in these methods can be a reference to a bin or the result of another expression. Expressions that modify bin values are only used for temporary expression evaluation and are not permanently applied to the bin.

List modify expressions return the bin's value. This value will be a list except when the list is nested within a map. In that case, a map is returned for the list modify expression.

List expressions support negative indexing. If the index is negative, the resolved index starts backwards from end of list. If an index is out of bounds, a parameter error will be returned. If a range is partially out of bounds, the valid part of the range will be returned. Index/Range examples:

  • Index 0: First item in list.
  • Index 4: Fifth item in list.
  • Index -1: Last item in list.
  • Index -3: Third to last item in list.
  • Index 1 Count 2: Second and third items in list.
  • Index -3 Count 3: Last three items in list.
  • Index -5 Count 4: Range between fifth to last item to second to last item inclusive.

Nested expressions are supported by optional CTX context arguments. Example:

  • bin = [[7,9,5],[1,2,3],[6,5,4,1]]
  • Get size of last list.
  • ListExp.size(Exp.ListBin("bin"), CTX.listIndex(-1))
  • result = 4

ListOperation List bin operations. Create list operations used by client operate command.

List operations support negative indexing. If the index is negative, the resolved index starts backwards from end of list. If an index is out of bounds, a parameter error will be returned. If a range is partially out of bounds, the valid part of the range will be returned. Index/Range examples:

  • Index 0: First item in list.
  • Index 4: Fifth item in list.
  • Index -1: Last item in list.
  • Index -3: Third to last item in list.
  • Index 1 Count 2: Second and third items in list.
  • Index -3 Count 3: Last three items in list.
  • Index -5 Count 4: Range between fifth to last item to second to last item inclusive.

Nested CDT operations are supported by optional CTX context arguments. Examples:

  • bin = [[7,9,5],[1,2,3],[6,5,4,1]]
  • Append 11 to last list.
  • ListOperation.append("bin", Value.Get(11), CTX.listIndex(-1))
  • bin result = [[7,9,5],[1,2,3],[6,5,4,1,11]]
  • bin = {key1=[[7,9,5],[13]], key2=[[9],[2,4],[6,1,9]], key3=[[6,5]]}
  • Append 11 to lowest ranked list in map identified by "key2".
  • ListOperation.append("bin", Value.Get(11), CTX.mapKey(Value.Get("key2")), CTX.listRank(0))
  • bin result = {key1=[[7,9,5],[13]], key2=[[9],[2,4,11],[6,1,9]], key3=[[6,5]]}

ListPolicy List policy directives when creating a list and writing list items.
Log Aerospike client logging facility. Logs can be filtered and message callbacks can be defined to control how log messages are written.
Log.Context Additional context sent to log callback messages.
LuaConfig Lua static configuration variables. These variables apply to all AerospikeClient instances in a single process.
MapExp Map expression generator. See Exp.

The bin expression argument in these methods can be a reference to a bin or the result of another expression. Expressions that modify bin values are only used for temporary expression evaluation and are not permanently applied to the bin.

Map modify expressions return the bin's value. This value will be a map except when the map is nested within a list. In that case, a list is returned for the map modify expression.

Valid map key types are:

  • string
  • integer
  • byte[]
The server will vaildate map key types in an upcoming release.

All maps maintain an index and a rank. The index is the item offset from the start of the map, for both unordered and ordered maps. The rank is the sorted index of the value component. Map supports negative indexing for index and rank.

Index examples:

  • Index 0: First item in map.
  • Index 4: Fifth item in map.
  • Index -1: Last item in map.
  • Index -3: Third to last item in map.
  • Index 1 Count 2: Second and third items in map.
  • Index -3 Count 3: Last three items in map.
  • Index -5 Count 4: Range between fifth to last item to second to last item inclusive.

Rank examples:

  • Rank 0: Item with lowest value rank in map.
  • Rank 4: Fifth lowest ranked item in map.
  • Rank -1: Item with highest ranked value in map.
  • Rank -3: Item with third highest ranked value in map.
  • Rank 1 Count 2: Second and third lowest ranked items in map.
  • Rank -3 Count 3: Top three ranked items in map.

Nested expressions are supported by optional CTX context arguments. Example:

  • bin = {key1={key11=9,key12=4}, key2={key21=3,key22=5}}
  • Set map value to 11 for map key "key21" inside of map key "key2".
  • Get size of map key2.
  • MapExp.size(Exp.MapBin("bin"), CTX.mapKey(Value.get("key2"))
  • result = 2

MapOperation Map bin operations. Create map operations used by the client operate command. The default unique key map is unordered. Valid map key types are:
  • string
  • integer
  • byte[]
The server will validate map key types in an upcoming release.

All maps maintain an index and a rank. The index is the item offset from the start of the map, for both unordered and ordered maps. The rank is the sorted index of the value component. Map supports negative indexing for index and rank.

Index examples:

  • Index 0: First item in map.
  • Index 4: Fifth item in map.
  • Index -1: Last item in map.
  • Index -3: Third to last item in map.
  • Index 1 Count 2: Second and third items in map.
  • Index -3 Count 3: Last three items in map.
  • Index -5 Count 4: Range between fifth to last item to second to last item inclusive.

Rank examples:

  • Rank 0: Item with lowest value rank in map.
  • Rank 4: Fifth lowest ranked item in map.
  • Rank -1: Item with highest ranked value in map.
  • Rank -3: Item with third highest ranked value in map.
  • Rank 1 Count 2: Second and third lowest ranked items in map.
  • Rank -3 Count 3: Top three ranked items in map.

Nested CDT operations are supported by optional CTX context arguments. Examples:

  • bin = {key1={key11=9,key12=4}, key2={key21=3,key22=5}}
  • Set map value to 11 for map key "key21" inside of map key "key2".
  • MapOperation.put(MapPolicy.Default, "bin", Value.Get("key21"), Value.Get(11), CTX.mapKey(Value.Get("key2")))
  • bin result = {key1={key11=9,key12=4},key2={key21=11,key22=5}}
  • bin = {key1={key11={key111=1},key12={key121=5}}, key2={key21={"key211",7}}}
  • Set map value to 11 in map key "key121" for highest ranked map ("key12") inside of map key "key1".
  • MapOperation.put(MapPolicy.Default, "bin", Value.Get("key121"), Value.Get(11), CTX.mapKey(Value.Get("key1")), CTX.mapRank(-1))
  • bin result = {key1={key11={key111=1},key12={key121=11}}, key2={key21={"key211",7}}}

MapPolicy Map policy directives when creating a map and writing map items.
MetricsPolicy Client periodic metrics configuration.
MetricsWriter Client metrics listener.
Node Server node representation. This class manages server node connections and health status.
NodeMetrics Client metrics listener.
NodeStats Node statistics.
Operation Database operation definition. The class is used in client's operate() method.
PartitionFilter Partition filter used in scan/query. This filter is also used as a cursor.

If a previous scan/query returned all records specified by a PartitionFilter instance, a future scan/query using the same PartitionFilter instance will only return new records added after the last record read (in digest order) in each partition in the previous scan/query. To reset the cursor of an existing PartitionFilter instance, set Partitions to null.

Policy Command policy attributes used in all database commands.
Privilege User privilege.
QueryPolicy Container object for policy attributes used in query operations.

Inherited Policy fields Txn and failOnFilteredOut are ignored.

RandomShift Generate pseudo random numbers using xorshift128+ algorithm. This class is not thread-safe and should be instantiated once per thread.
Record Container object for records. Records are equivalent to rows.
RecordSet This class manages record retrieval from queries. Multiple threads will retrieve records from the server nodes and put these records on the queue. The single user thread consumes these records from the queue.
RegexFlag Regex bit flags.
RegisterTask Task used to poll for UDF registration completion.
RejectScheduler Reject command if capacity has been reached.
ResultCode Database operation error codes.
ResultSet This class manages result retrieval from queries. Multiple threads will retrieve results from the server nodes and put these results on the queue. The single user thread consumes these results from the queue.
Role Role definition.
SaltParseExceptionException for signalling parse errors.
ScanPolicy Container object for optional parameters used in scan operations.

Inherited Policy fields Txn and failOnFilteredOut are ignored.

Statement Query statement parameters.
TlsPolicy TLS connection policy. Secure connections are supported for AerospikeClient synchronous commands and asynchronous commands.
Txn Transaction. Each command in the transaction must use the same namespace.
TxnRollPolicy Transaction policy fields used to batch roll forward/backward records on commit or abort.Used a placeholder for now as there are no additional fields beyond BatchPolicy.
TxnVerifyPolicy Transaction policy fields used to batch verify record versions on commit. Used a placeholder for now as there are no additional fields beyond BatchPolicy.
User User and assigned roles.
Value Polymorphic value classes used to efficiently serialize objects into the wire protocol.
Value.BlobValue Blob value.
Value.BooleanValue Boolean value.
Value.BoolIntValue Boolean value that converts to integer when sending a bin to the server. This class will be deleted once full conversion to boolean particle type is complete.
Value.ByteSegmentValue Byte segment value.
Value.BytesValue Byte array value.
Value.ByteValue Byte value.
Value.DoubleValue Double value.
Value.FloatValue Float value.
Value.GeoJSONValue GeoJSON value.
Value.HLLValue HyperLogLog value.
Value.InfinityValue Infinity value.
Value.IntegerValue Integer value.
Value.ListValue List value.
Value.LongValue Long value.
Value.MapValue Map value.
Value.NullValue Empty value.
Value.ShortValue Short value.
Value.SignedByteValue Byte value.
Value.StringValue String value.
Value.UnsignedIntegerValue Unsigned integer value.
Value.UnsignedLongValue Unsigned long value.
Value.UnsignedShortValue Unsigned short value.
Value.ValueArray Value array.
Value.WildcardValue Wildcard value.
WritePolicy Container object for policy attributes used in write operations. This object is passed into methods where database writes can occur.


Bin Column name/value pair.
ValueRipemd160 RIPEMD-160 hash. Algorithm provided by Hans Dobbertin, Antoon Bosselaers, and Bart Preneel: This is an optimized implementation based on Bouncy Castle's RipeMD160Digest.cs:
ValueStopwatchStopwatch but as a struct.


AbortListener Asynchronous result notifications for transaction aborts.
AsyncScheduler Async command scheduling interface.
BatchListListener Asynchronous result notifications for batch get commands with variable bins per key. The result is sent in a single list.
BatchOperateListListener Asynchronous result notifications for batch operate commands with variable operations.
BatchRecordArrayListener Asynchronous result notifications for batch operate commands.
BatchRecordSequenceListener Asynchronous result notifications for batch operate commands. The results are sent one record at a time.
BatchSequenceListener Asynchronous result notifications for batch get commands with variable bins per key. The results are sent one batch record at a time.
CommitListener Asynchronous result notifications for transaction commits.
DeleteListener Asynchronous result notifications for delete commands.
ExecuteListener Asynchronous result notifications for execute commands.
ExistsArrayListener Asynchronous result notifications for batch exists commands. The result is sent in a single array.
ExistsListener Asynchronous result notifications for exists commands.
ExistsSequenceListener Asynchronous result notifications for batch exists commands. The results are sent one record at a time.
IAsyncClient Asynchronous Aerospike client.

Your application uses this interface to perform asynchronous database operations such as writing and reading records, and selecting sets of records. Write operations include specialized functionality such as append/prepend and arithmetic addition.

Clients implementing this interface must be thread-safe. One client instance should be used per cluster. Multiple threads should share same cluster instance.

Each record may have multiple bins, unless the Aerospike server nodes are configured as "single-bin". In "multi-bin" mode, partial records may be written or read by specifying the relevant subset of bins.

IMetricsListener Client metrics listener.
InfoListener Asynchronous info command result notification.
RecordArrayListener Asynchronous result notifications for batch get commands. The result is sent in a single array.
RecordListener Asynchronous result notifications for get or operate commands.
RecordSequenceListener Asynchronous result notifications for batch get and scan commands. The results are sent one record at a time.
WriteListener Asynchronous result notifications for put, append, prepend, add, delete and touch commands.


Log.Callback Log callback message definition.
Log.ContextCallback Log callback message definition with additional context.
QueryListener This method will be called for each record returned from a sync query. The user may throw a AerospikeException.QueryTerminated exception if the query should be aborted. If an exception is thrown, parallel query command threads to other nodes will also be terminated.
ScanCallback This method will be called for each record returned from a scan. The user may throw a AerospikeException.ScanTerminated exception if the scan should be aborted. If any exception is thrown, parallel scan threads to other nodes will also be terminated and the exception will be propagated back through the initiating scan call.

If concurrentNodes is true and maxConcurrentNodes is not equal one, then your scan callback implementation must be thread safe.


AuthMode Authentication mode.
BatchRecord.Type Batch command type.
BitOverflowAction Bitwise operation flags for resize.
BitResizeFlags Bitwise operation flags for resize.
BitWriteFlags Bitwise operation policy write flags.
CommitLevel Desired consistency guarantee when committing a command on the server.
Exp.Type Expression type.
ExpReadFlags Expression read flags.
ExpWriteFlags Expression write flags.
GenerationPolicy How to handle record writes based on record generation.
HLLWriteFlags HyperLogLog operation policy write flags.
IndexCollectionType Secondary index collection type.
IndexType Underlying data type of secondary index.
Language User defined function languages.
ListOrder List storage order.
ListReturnType List return type. Type of data to return when selecting or removing items from the list.
ListSortFlags List sort flags
ListWriteFlags List write bit flags.
Log.Level Log escalation level.
MapOrder Map storage order.
MapReturnType Map return type. Type of data to return when selecting or removing items from the map.
MapWriteFlags Map write bit flags. Requires server versions >= 4.3.
MapWriteMode Unique key map write type. This enum should only be used for server versions < 4.3. are recommended for server versions >= 4.3.
MaxCommandAction How to handle cases when the asynchronous maximum number of concurrent database commands have been exceeded.
PrivilegeCode Permission codes define the type of permission granted for a user's role.
QueryDuration Expected query duration. The server treats the query in different ways depending on the expected duration. This enum is ignored for aggregation queries, background queries and server versions < 6.0.
ReadModeAP Read policy for AP (availability) namespaces.

How duplicates should be consulted in a read operation. Only makes a difference during migrations and only applicable in AP mode.

ReadModeSC Read policy for SC (strong consistency) namespaces.

Determines SC read consistency options.

RecordExistsAction How to handle writes when the record already exists.
Replica Defines algorithm used to determine the target node for a command. Scan and query are not affected by replica algorithm.
Txn.TxnState Transaction State.