The Aerospike Standup Vol. 25
Welcome to the Aerospike Standup, a newsletter written by developers for developers, that brings together blog posts, questions from the community, documentation, releases and events, written by the Aerospike team.
A little over a month away from our annual user summit, we’re working hard on creating a lot of valuable developer content for you. Have you already seen the agenda on our summit site? This year’s theme is Reimagine Real-time, and we have a slew of great talks for you.
In this edition of the Standup, we’re celebrating the addition of Aerospike as a storage backend for Vault, contributed by our very own Yevgeny Rizhkov!
We’ll be sharing the updates every other week. If you want to get updates to your email, click here to subscribe.
Questions From the Community
Aerospike touch command functionality on XDR setup
How do I confirm if data is migrating in an Aerospike cluster?
XDR 5.0 ships the entire namespace when starting up after DC addition
How to clear up set and bin names when it exceeds the maximum set limit
News Articles
Only 5 weeks left until our annual user summit, and this means we’re all working hard on our presentations! This also means fewer articles until then.
Here’s the most recent one by Eugene Rizhkov: Introducing Aerospike JDBC Driver.
Release Notes
March 17
C# Client
March 22
C Client
March 23
Aerospike Kubernetes Operator
March 29
New/Updated Documentation
Upcoming Events
We’re speaking at several developer conferences, stop by to say hi:
At the conference Developer Week with the talk Be Future Compatible With AI/ML, on April 27-28
At the conference Conf42: Cloud Native, with the talk: Building a K8s Operator for a Distributed Database on April 29
And of course – you can meet different members of the team at our user summit, which takes place on May 4-6. The agenda gets updated on a regular basis, you can already pre-register at the summit site!