Customer Story

How Rakuten fuels speed, performance, and scale with Aerospike

About the company



Rakuten is a global leader in internet services that empower individuals, communities, businesses, and society. One of their major revenue streams comes from advertising to shoppers. Through their display advertising platform, Rakuten provides different kinds of non-targeted and targeted ads to support e-commerce, enabling merchants to leverage their media ecosystem to promote the right products to the right audience.


The necessity of a high-performance database to handle massive volume and load

In Rakuten’s advertising platform, users enter the internet shopping mall, Rakuten Ichiba, through a front-end application or mobile app. A tracking database collects information about the user from cookies or a mobile phone ID, which forwards this information to a recommendation engine and user mapping engine. These engines send user profile data and user-specific recommendations to a targeting database, which stores the information and forwards it to an ad delivery engine to be served up when a user visits a website.

To be effective, the targeting database must be able to store enormous amounts of recommendation and user mapping data while scaling to meet ever-increasing traffic demands and providing round-the-clock availability. In addition, whenever Rakuten serves ads to users from the internet, demand can grow dramatically. That’s because targeting a massive number of visitors to a given website means that computation by each machine learning model can double or triple.

Prior to selecting Aerospike, Rakuten’s databases were not fully optimized for their targeting ad platform. The Rakuten team knew they needed a data store to handle the speed and volume required to support their targeted ads service.

Specifically, they needed a NoSQL database that met several critical requirements:

Dynamic Data Distribution

Large data store

The database would need to handle massive amounts of recommendation and user mapping data for millions of individual user records, as well as consider traffic fluctuations depending on time of day and month, specific event, and more.

Low latency

The database architecture would have to provide low latency for Rakuten’s extremely high-volume data environment. It could not be a memory-first, or “cache,” solution that relied on RAM to store data because the company’s ad data is so voluminous.

Unlimited scalability

Rakuten’s continually growing volume of data and user traffic requires a database with unlimited scalability. The team would also need the ability to easily scale the database by adding nodes (such as servers).

High availability

Ad services must be up and running 24/7 because any downtime means lost revenue. The database would need to be highly available, allowing the Rakuten team to maintain and upgrade it without stopping the service or using many resources.


Rakuten’s machine learning teams are always introducing new models. In light of this, the database would have to support multiple data models to ingest the different kinds of data sources required to achieve the desired output based on specific training models.

Aerospike checks every box

After considering several options, Rakuten chose Aerospike as its core database for its ability to handle the company’s massive data volumes with high performance and low latency at infinite scale as loads increase and data volumes grow. Rakuten especially values Aerospike’s flash storage (SSD) because it enables enormous vertical scale-up at a much lower total cost of ownership (TCO) than pure RAM.

“With Aerospike, we’ve so far been able to linearly scale to 2TB with no loss of performance. And its performance is consistent and highly available regardless of how many millions of users we serve or how much data we’re processing at any given time – Aerospike has never crashed,” said Daiji Ito, a Manager from Delivery Group, Rakuten Asia Pte. Ltd.

Aerospike is different from other NoSQL databases. Even in strong consistency mode, it provides high-speed delivery to the edge thanks to its Hybrid Memory Architecture, where the index is purely in-memory and data is stored only on SSD and read directly from the disk. This architecture allows Aerospike to support high-speed lookup with indexes in memory and data in SSD without causing excessive CPU load.

Aerospike’s User Profile Store offers the lowest latency with the highest performance from gigabytes to petabytes with hundreds to hundreds of millions of concurrent users, industry-leading five-nines of uptime, and up to 80% less server or cloud infrastructure.

Using Aerospike has also made operational tasks easier for the Rakuten team. When problems happen like a node goes down or a server reboots, Aerospike automatically resolves it. And if a server goes down or is removed from a cluster, it doesn’t compromise the entire cluster. The team can quickly bring it back whenever it’s ready.

“We have only one or two members on our DevOps team, but they can easily sync up a multi-site cluster. Our developers can create a cluster and remove nodes with a few simple commands,” said Ito.


Multi-model database supports innovation across the enterprise

By using Aerospike as their targeting database to house user profiles for ad targeting, Rakuten now has a clearer view of their source data, such as browsing, purchase, demographics, user mapping, and certificate. This data can be shared throughout the company, including with developers, to do things like create new products and develop new algorithms.

In addition, the Aerospike database enables Rakuten to optimize advertising by using their own recommendation data to create and train machine learning models and make predictions about what users will likely react to based on their buying behavior. They can also use it to evaluate whether they display ads to the right users and to monitor for performance issues.

Watch our video to learn more about Rakuten’s advertising platform and how they used Aerospike to help boost revenue.

Scaled linearly to 2TB with no performance loss.
Improved its performance by cutting down TCO, increasing revenue, and reducing infrastructure.
Automated resolution of server issues protects server clusters and saves valuable resources.
Multi-model support machine learning models and development of increasingly effective ad targeting.

Predictable performance, costs, and growth

Aerospike’s expertise and support empowered Rakuten with the high-performance database needed to manage massive volume and load.

See how Aerospike can help you scale.


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