No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * Copyright 2008-2023 Aerospike, Inc.
3 *
4 * Portions may be licensed to Aerospike, Inc. under one or more contributor
5 * license agreements.
6 *
7 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
8 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
9 * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 *
11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
13 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
14 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
15 * the License.
16 */
17#pragma once
20 * @defgroup scan_operations Scan Operations
21 * @ingroup client_operations
22 *
23 * Aerospike Scan Operations provide the ability to scan all record of a namespace and set
24 * in an Aerospike database.
25 *
26 * ## Usage
27 *
28 * Before you can execute a scan, you first need to define a scan using as_scan. See as_scan
29 * for details on defining scans.
30 *
31 * Once you have a scan defined, then you can execute the scan using either:
32 *
33 * - aerospike_scan_foreach() — Execute a scan on the database, then process the results.
34 * - aerospike_scan_background() — Send a scan to the database, and not wait for completed.
35 * The scan is given an id, which can be used to query the scan status.
36 *
37 * When aerospike_scan_foreach() is executed, it will process the results and create records
38 * on the stack. Because the records are on the stack, they will only be available within the
39 * context of the callback function.
40 *
41 * When aerospike_scan_background() is executed, the client will not wait for results from the
42 * database. Instead, the client will be given a scan_id, which can be used to query the scan
43 * status on the database via aerospike_scan_info().
44 *
45 * ## Walk-through
46 *
47 * First, we build a scan using as_scan. The scan will be on the "test" namespace and "demo" set.
48 * We will select only bins "a" and "b" to be returned for each record.
49 *
50 * ~~~~~~~~~~{.c}
51 * as_scan scan;
52 * as_scan_init(&scan, "test", "demo");
53 *
54 * as_scan_select_inita(&scan, 2);
55 * as_scan_select(&scan, "a");
56 * as_scan_select(&scan, "B");
57 * ~~~~~~~~~~
58 *
59 * Now that we have a scan defined, we want to execute it using
60 * aerospike_scan_foreach().
61 *
62 * ~~~~~~~~~~{.c}
63 * if (aerospike_scan_foreach(&as, &err, NULL, &scan, callback, NULL) != AEROSPIKE_OK) {
64 * printf("error(%d) %s at [%s:%d]", err.code, err.message, err.file, err.line);
65 * }
66 * ~~~~~~~~~~
67 *
68 * The callback provided to the function above is implemented as:
69 *
70 * ~~~~~~~~~~{.c}
71 * bool callback(const as_val* val, void* udata)
72 * {
73 * if (!val) {
74 * return false; // Scan complete.
75 * }
76 *
77 * as_record* rec = as_record_fromval(val);
78 * // Process record
79 * // Do not call as_record_destroy() because the calling function will do that for you.
80 * return true;
81 * }
82 * ~~~~~~~~~~
83 *
84 * When you are finished with the scan, you should destroy the resources allocated to it:
85 *
86 * ~~~~~~~~~~{.c}
87 * as_scan_destroy(&scan);
88 * ~~~~~~~~~~
89 */
91#include <aerospike/aerospike.h>
93#include <aerospike/as_error.h>
95#include <aerospike/as_policy.h>
96#include <aerospike/as_record.h>
97#include <aerospike/as_scan.h>
98#include <aerospike/as_status.h>
99#include <aerospike/as_val.h>
101#ifdef __cplusplus
102extern "C" {
106 * TYPES
107 *****************************************************************************/
110 * This callback will be called for each value or record returned from a synchronous scan.
111 * Multiple threads will likely be calling this callback in parallel. Therefore,
112 * your callback implementation should be thread safe.
113 *
114 * @param val The value received from the query.
115 * @param udata User-data provided to the calling function.
116 *
117 * @return `true` to continue to the next value. Otherwise, the scan will end.
118 *
119 * @ingroup scan_operations
120 */
121typedef bool (*aerospike_scan_foreach_callback)(const as_val* val, void* udata);
124 * Asynchronous scan user callback. This function is called for each record returned.
125 * This function is also called once when the scan completes or an error has occurred.
126 *
127 * @param err This error structure is only populated when the command fails.
128 * NULL on success.
129 * @param record Returned record. The record will be NULL on final scan completion or scan
130 * error.
131 * @param udata User data that is forwarded from asynchronous command function.
132 * @param event_loop Event loop that this command was executed on. Use this event loop when
133 * running nested asynchronous commands when single threaded behavior is
134 * desired for the group of commands.
135 *
136 * @return `true` to continue to the next value. Otherwise, the scan will end.
137 *
138 * @ingroup scan_operations
139 */
141 as_error* err, as_record* record, void* udata, as_event_loop* event_loop
142 );
146 *****************************************************************************/
149 * Scan the records in the specified namespace and set in the cluster.
150 *
151 * Scan will be run in the background by a thread on client side.
152 * No callback will be called in this case.
153 *
154 * ~~~~~~~~~~{.c}
155 * as_scan scan;
156 * as_scan_init(&scan, "test", "demo");
157 *
158 * uint64_t scanid = 0;
159 *
160 * if (aerospike_scan_background(&as, &err, NULL, &scan, &scanid) != AEROSPIKE_OK) {
161 * printf("error(%d) %s at [%s:%d]", err.code, err.message, err.file, err.line);
162 * }
163 * else {
164 * printf("Running background scan job: %ll", scanid);
165 * }
166 * as_scan_destroy(&scan);
167 * ~~~~~~~~~~
168 *
169 * The scanid can be used to query the status of the scan running in the
170 * database via aerospike_scan_info().
171 *
172 * @param as The aerospike instance to use for this operation.
173 * @param err The as_error to be populated if an error occurs.
174 * @param policy Scan policy configuration parameters, pass in NULL for default.
175 * @param scan The scan to execute against the cluster.
176 * @param scan_id The id for the scan job, which can be used for obtaining scan status.
177 *
178 * @return AEROSPIKE_OK on success. Otherwise an error occurred.
179 *
180 * @ingroup scan_operations
181 */
184 aerospike* as, as_error* err, const as_policy_scan* policy, const as_scan* scan,
185 uint64_t* scan_id
186 );
189 * Wait for a background scan to be completed by servers.
190 *
191 * ~~~~~~~~~~{.c}
192 * uint64_t scan_id = 1234;
193 * aerospike_scan_wait(&as, &err, NULL, scan_id, 0);
194 * ~~~~~~~~~~
195 *
196 * @param as The aerospike instance to use for this operation.
197 * @param err The as_error to be populated if an error occurs.
198 * @param policy Scan policy configuration parameters, pass in NULL for default.
199 * @param scan_id The id for the scan job.
200 * @param interval_ms The polling interval in milliseconds. If zero, 1000 ms is used.
201 *
202 * @return AEROSPIKE_OK on success. Otherwise an error occurred.
203 */
206 aerospike* as, as_error* err, const as_policy_info* policy, uint64_t scan_id,
207 uint32_t interval_ms
208 );
211 * Check the progress of a background scan running on the database. The status
212 * of the scan running on the datatabse will be populated into an as_scan_info.
213 *
214 * ~~~~~~~~~~{.c}
215 * uint64_t scan_id = 1234;
216 * as_scan_info scan_info;
217 *
218 * if (aerospike_scan_info(&as, &err, NULL, &scan, scan_id, &scan_info) != AEROSPIKE_OK) {
219 * printf("error(%d) %s at [%s:%d]", err.code, err.message, err.file, err.line);
220 * }
221 * else {
222 * printf("Scan id=%ll, status=%d percent=%d", scan_id, scan_info.status, scan_info.progress_pct);
223 * }
224 * ~~~~~~~~~~
225 *
226 * @param as The aerospike instance to use for this operation.
227 * @param err The as_error to be populated if an error occurs.
228 * @param policy Scan policy configuration parameters, pass in NULL for default.
229 * @param scan_id The id for the scan job to check the status of.
230 * @param info Information about this scan, to be populated by this operation.
231 *
232 * @return AEROSPIKE_OK on success. Otherwise an error occurred.
233 *
234 * @ingroup scan_operations
235 */
238 aerospike* as, as_error* err, const as_policy_info* policy, uint64_t scan_id, as_scan_info* info
239 );
242 * Scan the records in the specified namespace and set in the cluster.
243 *
244 * Call the callback function for each record scanned. When all records have
245 * been scanned, then callback will be called with a NULL value for the record.
246 *
247 * If "scan.concurrent" is true (default false), the callback code must be thread-safe.
248 *
249 * ~~~~~~~~~~{.c}
250 * bool callback(const as_val* val, void* udata)
251 * {
252 * if (!val) {
253 * return false; // Scan complete.
254 * }
255 *
256 * as_record* rec = as_record_fromval(val);
257 * // Process record
258 * // Do not call as_record_destroy() because the calling function will do that for you.
259 * return true;
260 * }
261 *
262 * as_scan scan;
263 * as_scan_init(&scan, "test", "demo");
264 *
265 * if (aerospike_scan_foreach(&as, &err, NULL, &scan, callback, NULL) != AEROSPIKE_OK) {
266 * printf("error(%d) %s at [%s:%d]", err.code, err.message, err.file, err.line);
267 * }
268 * as_scan_destroy(&scan);
269 * ~~~~~~~~~~
270 *
271 * @param as The aerospike instance to use for this operation.
272 * @param err The as_error to be populated if an error occurs.
273 * @param policy Scan policy configuration parameters, pass in NULL for default.
274 * @param scan The scan to execute against the cluster.
275 * @param callback The function to be called for each record scanned.
276 * @param udata User-data to be passed to the callback.
277 *
278 * @return AEROSPIKE_OK on success. Otherwise an error occurred.
279 *
280 * @ingroup scan_operations
281 */
284 aerospike* as, as_error* err, const as_policy_scan* policy, as_scan* scan,
285 aerospike_scan_foreach_callback callback, void* udata
286 );
289 * Scan the records in the specified namespace and set for a single node.
290 *
291 * The callback function will be called for each record scanned. When all records have
292 * been scanned, then callback will be called with a NULL value for the record.
293 *
294 * ~~~~~~~~~~{.c}
295 * bool callback(const as_val* val, void* udata)
296 * {
297 * if (!val) {
298 * return false; // Scan complete.
299 * }
300 *
301 * as_record* rec = as_record_fromval(val);
302 * // Process record
303 * // Do not call as_record_destroy() because the calling function will do that for you.
304 * return true;
305 * }
306 *
307 * char* node_names = NULL;
308 * int n_nodes = 0;
309 * as_cluster_get_node_names(as->cluster, &n_nodes, &node_names);
310 *
311 * if (n_nodes <= 0)
312 * return <error>;
313 *
314 * as_scan scan;
315 * as_scan_init(&scan, "test", "demo");
316 *
317 * if (aerospike_scan_node(&as, &err, NULL, &scan, node_names[0], callback, NULL) != AEROSPIKE_OK ) {
318 * printf("error(%d) %s at [%s:%d]", err.code, err.message, err.file, err.line);
319 * }
320 *
321 * free(node_names);
322 * as_scan_destroy(&scan);
323 * ~~~~~~~~~~
324 *
325 * @param as The aerospike instance to use for this operation.
326 * @param err The as_error to be populated if an error occurs.
327 * @param policy Scan policy configuration parameters, pass in NULL for default.
328 * @param scan The scan to execute against the cluster.
329 * @param node_name The node name to scan.
330 * @param callback The function to be called for each record scanned.
331 * @param udata User-data to be passed to the callback.
332 *
333 * @return AEROSPIKE_OK on success. Otherwise an error occurred.
334 *
335 * @ingroup scan_operations
336 */
339 aerospike* as, as_error* err, const as_policy_scan* policy, as_scan* scan,
340 const char* node_name, aerospike_scan_foreach_callback callback, void* udata
341 );
344 * Scan records in specified namespace, set and partition filter.
345 *
346 * Call the callback function for each record scanned. When all records have
347 * been scanned, then callback will be called with a NULL value for the record.
348 *
349 * If "scan.concurrent" is true (default false), the callback code must be thread-safe.
350 *
351 * ~~~~~~~~~~{.c}
352 * bool callback(const as_val* val, void* udata)
353 * {
354 * if (!val) {
355 * return false; // Scan complete.
356 * }
357 *
358 * as_record* rec = as_record_fromval(val);
359 * // Process record
360 * // Do not call as_record_destroy() because the calling function will do that for you.
361 * return true;
362 * }
363 *
364 * as_scan scan;
365 * as_scan_init(&scan, "test", "demo");
366 *
367 * as_partition_filter pf;
368 * as_partition_filter_set_range(&pf, 0, 1024);
369 *
370 * if (aerospike_scan_partitions(&as, &err, NULL, &scan, &pf, callback, NULL) != AEROSPIKE_OK) {
371 * printf("error(%d) %s at [%s:%d]", err.code, err.message, err.file, err.line);
372 * }
373 * as_scan_destroy(&scan);
374 * ~~~~~~~~~~
375 *
376 * @param as The aerospike instance to use for this operation.
377 * @param err The as_error to be populated if an error occurs.
378 * @param policy Scan policy configuration parameters, pass in NULL for default.
379 * @param scan The scan to execute against the cluster.
380 * @param pf Partition filter.
381 * @param callback The function to be called for each record scanned.
382 * @param udata User-data to be passed to the callback.
383 *
384 * @return AEROSPIKE_OK on success. Otherwise an error occurred.
385 *
386 * @ingroup scan_operations
387 */
390 aerospike* as, as_error* err, const as_policy_scan* policy, as_scan* scan,
392 );
395 * Asynchronously scan the records in the specified namespace and set in the cluster.
396 *
397 * Call the listener function for each record scanned. When all records have
398 * been scanned, then listener will be called with a NULL value for the record.
399 *
400 * Scans of each node will be run on the same event loop, so the listener's implementation does
401 * not need to be thread safe.
402 *
403 * ~~~~~~~~~~{.c}
404 * bool my_listener(as_error* err, as_record* record, void* udata, as_event_loop* event_loop)
405 * {
406 * if (err) {
407 * printf("Scan failed: %d %s\n", err->code, err->message);
408 * return false;
409 * }
410 *
411 * if (! record) {
412 * printf("Scan ended\n");
413 * return false;
414 * }
415 *
416 * // Process record
417 * // Do not call as_record_destroy() because the calling function will do that for you.
418 * return true;
419 * }
420 *
421 * as_scan scan;
422 * as_scan_init(&scan, "test", "demo");
423 *
424 * as_status status = aerospike_scan_async(&as, &err, NULL, &scan, NULL, my_listener, NULL, NULL);
425 * as_scan_destroy(&scan);
426 * ~~~~~~~~~~
427 *
428 * @param as The aerospike instance to use for this operation.
429 * @param err The as_error to be populated if an error occurs.
430 * @param policy Scan policy configuration parameters, pass in NULL for default.
431 * @param scan The scan to execute against the cluster.
432 * @param scan_id The id for the scan job. Use NULL if the scan_id will not be used.
433 * @param listener The function to be called for each record scanned.
434 * @param udata User-data to be passed to the callback.
435 * @param event_loop Event loop assigned to run this command. If NULL, an event loop will be
436 * chosen by round-robin.
437 *
438 * @return AEROSPIKE_OK if async scan succesfully queued. Otherwise an error.
439 *
440 * @ingroup scan_operations
441 */
444 aerospike* as, as_error* err, const as_policy_scan* policy, as_scan* scan, uint64_t* scan_id,
445 as_async_scan_listener listener, void* udata, as_event_loop* event_loop
446 );
449 * Asynchronously scan the records in the specified namespace and set for a single node.
450 *
451 * The listener function will be called for each record scanned. When all records have
452 * been scanned, then callback will be called with a NULL value for the record.
453 *
454 * ~~~~~~~~~~{.c}
455 * bool my_listener(as_error* err, as_record* record, void* udata, as_event_loop* event_loop)
456 * {
457 * if (err) {
458 * printf("Scan failed: %d %s\n", err->code, err->message);
459 * return false;
460 * }
461 *
462 * if (! record) {
463 * printf("Scan ended\n");
464 * return false;
465 * }
466 *
467 * // Process record
468 * // Do not call as_record_destroy() because the calling function will do that for you.
469 * return true;
470 * }
471 *
472 * char* node_names = NULL;
473 * int n_nodes = 0;
474 * as_cluster_get_node_names(as->cluster, &n_nodes, &node_names);
475 *
476 * if (n_nodes <= 0)
477 * return <error>;
478 *
479 * as_scan scan;
480 * as_scan_init(&scan, "test", "demo");
481 *
482 * as_status status = aerospike_scan_node_async(&as, &err, NULL, &scan, NULL, node_names[0], my_listener, NULL, NULL);
483 *
484 * free(node_names);
485 * as_scan_destroy(&scan);
486 * ~~~~~~~~~~
487 *
488 * @param as The aerospike instance to use for this operation.
489 * @param err The as_error to be populated if an error occurs.
490 * @param policy Scan policy configuration parameters, pass in NULL for default.
491 * @param scan The scan to execute against the cluster.
492 * @param scan_id The id for the scan job. Use NULL if the scan_id will not be used.
493 * @param node_name The node name to scan.
494 * @param listener The function to be called for each record scanned.
495 * @param udata User-data to be passed to the callback.
496 * @param event_loop Event loop assigned to run this command. If NULL, an event loop will be
497 * chosen by round-robin.
498 *
499 * @return AEROSPIKE_OK if async scan succesfully queued. Otherwise an error.
500 *
501 * @ingroup scan_operations
502 */
505 aerospike* as, as_error* err, const as_policy_scan* policy, as_scan* scan, uint64_t* scan_id,
506 const char* node_name, as_async_scan_listener listener, void* udata, as_event_loop* event_loop
507 );
510 * Asynchronously scan records in specified namespace, set and partition filter.
511 *
512 * Call the listener function for each record scanned. When all records have
513 * been scanned, then listener will be called with a NULL value for the record.
514 *
515 * Scans of each node will be run on the same event loop, so the listener's implementation does
516 * not need to be thread safe.
517 *
518 * ~~~~~~~~~~{.c}
519 * bool my_listener(as_error* err, as_record* record, void* udata, as_event_loop* event_loop)
520 * {
521 * if (err) {
522 * printf("Scan failed: %d %s\n", err->code, err->message);
523 * return false;
524 * }
525 *
526 * if (! record) {
527 * printf("Scan ended\n");
528 * return false;
529 * }
530 *
531 * // Process record
532 * // Do not call as_record_destroy() because the calling function will do that for you.
533 * return true;
534 * }
535 *
536 * as_scan scan;
537 * as_scan_init(&scan, "test", "demo");
538 *
539 * as_partition_filter pf;
540 * as_partition_filter_set_range(&pf, 0, 1024);
541 *
542 * as_status status = aerospike_scan_partitions_async(&as, &err, NULL, &scan, &pf, my_listener, NULL, NULL);
543 * as_scan_destroy(&scan);
544 * ~~~~~~~~~~
545 *
546 * @param as The aerospike instance to use for this operation.
547 * @param err The as_error to be populated if an error occurs.
548 * @param policy Scan policy configuration parameters, pass in NULL for default.
549 * @param scan The scan to execute against the cluster.
550 * @param pf Partition filter.
551 * @param listener The function to be called for each record scanned.
552 * @param udata User-data to be passed to the callback.
553 * @param event_loop Event loop assigned to run this command. If NULL, an event loop will be
554 * chosen by round-robin.
555 *
556 * @return AEROSPIKE_OK if async scan succesfully queued. Otherwise an error.
557 *
558 * @ingroup scan_operations
559 */
562 aerospike* as, as_error* err, const as_policy_scan* policy, as_scan* scan,
563 as_partition_filter* pf, as_async_scan_listener listener, void* udata, as_event_loop* event_loop
564 );
566#ifdef __cplusplus
567} // end extern "C"
AS_EXTERN as_status aerospike_scan_wait(aerospike *as, as_error *err, const as_policy_info *policy, uint64_t scan_id, uint32_t interval_ms)
Definition as_status.h:30
#define AS_EXTERN
Definition as_std.h:25
AS_EXTERN as_status aerospike_scan_node_async(aerospike *as, as_error *err, const as_policy_scan *policy, as_scan *scan, uint64_t *scan_id, const char *node_name, as_async_scan_listener listener, void *udata, as_event_loop *event_loop)
AS_EXTERN as_status aerospike_scan_partitions_async(aerospike *as, as_error *err, const as_policy_scan *policy, as_scan *scan, as_partition_filter *pf, as_async_scan_listener listener, void *udata, as_event_loop *event_loop)
bool(* aerospike_scan_foreach_callback)(const as_val *val, void *udata)
AS_EXTERN as_status aerospike_scan_node(aerospike *as, as_error *err, const as_policy_scan *policy, as_scan *scan, const char *node_name, aerospike_scan_foreach_callback callback, void *udata)
AS_EXTERN as_status aerospike_scan_info(aerospike *as, as_error *err, const as_policy_info *policy, uint64_t scan_id, as_scan_info *info)
AS_EXTERN as_status aerospike_scan_partitions(aerospike *as, as_error *err, const as_policy_scan *policy, as_scan *scan, as_partition_filter *pf, aerospike_scan_foreach_callback callback, void *udata)
AS_EXTERN as_status aerospike_scan_foreach(aerospike *as, as_error *err, const as_policy_scan *policy, as_scan *scan, aerospike_scan_foreach_callback callback, void *udata)
AS_EXTERN as_status aerospike_scan_background(aerospike *as, as_error *err, const as_policy_scan *policy, const as_scan *scan, uint64_t *scan_id)
bool(* as_async_scan_listener)(as_error *err, as_record *record, void *udata, as_event_loop *event_loop)
AS_EXTERN as_status aerospike_scan_async(aerospike *as, as_error *err, const as_policy_scan *policy, as_scan *scan, uint64_t *scan_id, as_async_scan_listener listener, void *udata, as_event_loop *event_loop)