Look-Aside Cache for MongoDB
For an interactive Jupyter notebook experience:
This is a sample notebook for using Aerospike as a read/look-aside cache
- This notebook demonstrates the use of Aerospike as a cache using Mongo as another primary datastore
- It is required to run Mongo as a separate container using
docker run --name some-mongo -d mongo:latest
To test: Run the cache.getData("id", "data");
method once - to fetch
from Mongo and populate Aerospike
Another run will fetch the data from Aerospike cache
Ensure that Aerospike Database is running
import io.github.spencerpark.ijava.IJava;
import io.github.spencerpark.jupyter.kernel.magic.common.Shell;
%sh asd
Load Aerospike and Mongo dependencies from POM
import com.aerospike.client.AerospikeClient;
import com.aerospike.client.policy.WritePolicy;
import com.aerospike.client.Bin;
import com.aerospike.client.Key;
import com.aerospike.client.Record;
import com.aerospike.client.Value;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;
import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.MongoCredential;
import org.bson.Document;
import com.mongodb.client.model.Filters;
import java.util.Set;
Configure the clients
The configuration is for
- Aerospike database running on port 3000 of localhost (IP which is the default.
- Mongo running in a separate container whose IP can be found by
docker inspect <containerid> | grep -i ipaddress
Modify config if your environment is different (Aerospike database running on a different host or different port).
public class Cache{
//Database Constants
public static final String AEROSPIKE_HOST = "";
public static final String MONGO_HOST = "";
public static final int AEROSPIKE_PORT = 3000;
public static final int MONGO_PORT = 27017;
public static final String AEROSPIKE_NAMESPACE = "test";
public static final String AEROSPIKE_SET = "demo";
public static final String MONGO_USER = "sampleUser";
public static final String MONGO_PASSWORD = "password";
public static final String MONGO_DB = "myDb";
public static final String MONGO_COLLECTION = "sampleCollection";
private AerospikeClient client;
private MongoClient mongo;
private MongoCredential credential;
private MongoDatabase database;
public Cache() {
client = new AerospikeClient(AEROSPIKE_HOST, AEROSPIKE_PORT);
mongo = new MongoClient(MONGO_HOST , MONGO_PORT);
credential = MongoCredential.createCredential(MONGO_USER, MONGO_DB,
database = mongo.getDatabase(MONGO_DB);
private boolean collectionExists(final String collectionName) {
// Check and return if the collection exists in Mongo
return database.listCollectionNames()
.into(new ArrayList<String>()).contains(collectionName);
public void populateMongoData(String id, String data) {
// Populate Mongodb first
Document document = new Document(id, data);
if (! collectionExists(MONGO_COLLECTION)) {
} else {
MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection(MONGO_COLLECTION);
client.delete(null, key);
public String getData(String id, String data) {
// This is just an example code that exhibits a cache fetch for a String id with String data
String BIN_NAME = "value";
Record record = client.get(null,key);
if ( record == null ) {
System.out.println("First Fetch Record does not exist in Aerospike cache");
MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection(MONGO_COLLECTION);
Document document = collection.find(Filters.eq(id, data)).first();
//System.out.println("Document " + document.get(id));
String json = document.get(id).toString();
client.put(null, key, new Bin(BIN_NAME,json));
return client.get(null, key).toString();
} else {
System.out.println("Data retrieved from Aerospike cache");
return record.toString();
Cache cache = new Cache();
cache.populateMongoData("id", "data");
cache.getData("id", "data");
First Fetch Record does not exist in Aerospike cache