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Overview of Aerospike Connect

The Aerospike Connect product line integrates Aerospike with popular open-source frameworks, including Spark, Kafka, Pulsar, and JMS. It enables the design and development of new generations of data-intensive applications that take advantage of the speed and scale of Aerospike Database's massively parallel engine.

Aerospike Connect for Elasticsearch uses the power of Aerospike's Cross Datacenter Replication (XDR) and Change Notification services to connect Aerospike and Elasticsearch. The connector seamlessly integrates Aerospike and Elasticsearch with a low-latency connection.

Stream Data

Aerospike Connect for Kafka allows the exchange of data between the Aerospike Database and external systems by means of Apache Kafka. You can use it to send data from external systems through Kafka to Aerospike, publish data from Aerospike to external systems through Kafka, or both.

Aerospike Connect for JMS allows the exchange of data between the Aerospike Database and external systems by using a JMS (Java Message Service) provider, such as IBM MQ, Solace, ActiveMQ Artemis, or RabbitMQ.

Aerospike Connect for Pulsar allows the exchange of data between the Aerospike Database and external systems by means of Apache Pulsar. You can use it to send data from external systems through Pulsar to Aerospike, publish data from Aerospike to external systems through Pulsar, or both.

Aerospike Connect for Event Stream Processing (ESP) provides a reliable and scalable mechanism to publish data from Aerospike DB to potentially any system that can ingest HTTP requests.

Process Data

Aerospike Connect for Spark supports streaming APIs that leverage Structured Spark Streaming to provide very low latency for both reads and writes, enabling AI/ML use cases that leverage the Aerospike Database as a system of engagement in their Spark Streaming pipeline. Aerospike Connect for Spark coupled with the Aerospike Database scan-by-partition capability allows massive parallelization when processing the data within Aerospike.

Process data with Apache Spark

Access Data with SQL

Aerospike Connect for Trino runs ANSI SQL queries quickly using business-intelligence (BI) tools or other supported clients for on-demand analytics on large amounts of Aerospike data in place, whether that data is in a single Aerospike cluster or in multiple Aerospike clusters.

Access data with Trino and SQL