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The destinations section of the Aerospike ESP Outbound YAML file

The destinations section configures HTTP destinations where change notifications are sent. It could be the HTTP XDR Proxy or any HTTP connector. If the destinations are located behind a load balancer, then the ESP traffic is load balanced across the destination URLs.

This is a map from a name for the following destination-to-destination configuration.


urlsyesThe list of HTTP URLs for the destination connector or load balancer.
protocolnoHTTP_2HTTP protocol version to use. Valid values are HTTP_1_1 and HTTP_2.
compressionnononeThe compression scheme to use. Valid values are none and gzip.
compression-thresholdno0The threshold for the size of a message after which messages are compressed if compression is enabled.
tlsnoJVM default for trusted CAs.Configures TLS for connecting to the destination. See TLS for details
max-connections-per-endpointno1Maximum number of connections per destination endpoint.
max-request-queued-per-endpointno32768Maximum number of requests queued per destination endpoint.
call-timeoutno1000Total network timeout in milliseconds for a single HTTP request. Includes DNS resolution, connection establishment, request processing, and response processing.
connect-timeoutno300Connect timeout in milliseconds.
connection-ttlno-1TTL for connections after which they are discarded and new connections are created. TTL of -1 means connections are never discarded.
health-checknoDestination health check configuration. See health check for details.
headersnoHTTP header configuration. See Headers for details.
http-success-status-codesno200 to 299 inclusiveThe set of HTTP status codes indicating a successful response.

Health Checkโ€‹

Configures destination URL health checks.

healthy-thresholdno3The number of consecutive health check successes required before considering the instance in the healthy state.
interval-secondsno5The interval, in seconds, between health checks of an individual destination.
call-timeoutno1000Health check request timeout in milliseconds.
targetnoTarget path for health check HTTP get requests. If target is specified, the health check URL is scheme://host:port/<target>, else the destination URL is used as is.
since 2.3.0
notrueEnables or disables health check.


Configures the HTTP headers that are sent with HTTP request for both the record payload POST request and the health check GET requests. The following options are supported:

send-digest-headernofalseIf set to true, Base64 encoded Aerospike record digest is sent as an HTTP header named aerospike-digest.
authority-header-omit-default-portnofalseIf set to true, the HTTP/2 authority pseudo header omits the default port for the http scheme - 80 for http and 443 for https.
additional-headersnoemptyA map of string key-value pairs for any additional headers sent in each HTTP request to the destination URL.

TLS Configโ€‹

The TLS config for a destination contains the following fields:

key-storeyesThe key store containing the Aerospike client certificate for mutual authentication. See TLS Store Config.
trust-storenoDefault java trust store.The trust store containing trusted CA certificate for Aerospike server certificate. See TLS Store Config.
ciphersnoDefault ciphers allowed by the JVMAllowed list of TLS ciphers that clients can use for secure connections.
protocolsnoTLSv1.2TLS protocols allowed.

TLS Store Configโ€‹

A TLS key/trust store.

store-fileyesThe store file
store-password-fileyesRead store password from this file.
key-password-filenoRead the key password from this file.
store-typenoJKSThe Keystore type. Valid values are JKS, JCEKS, PKCS12, PKCS11, DKS, Windows_MY, BKS

HTTP Success Status Codes Configโ€‹

The HTTP success status codes is a list of status codes indicating a successful HTTP response. Ranges can be specified with a dash ('-').


- 200
- 202-206
- 208
- 410
- 501