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The routing section of aerospike-jms-outbound.yml

The routing section of the /etc/aerospike-jms-outbound/aerospike-jms-outbound.yml controls how Aerospike records are routed to a JMS destination. The JMS destination can either be a named queue or a topic.

The following routing modes are available.

  • static Always route to a static queue/topic.
  • skip Skip dispatch of record to JMS and ack success to XDR.
  • namespace Use the namespace of the Aerospike record as the JMS queue/topic.
  • set Use the set of the Aerospike record as the JMS queue/topic.
  • bin Sets the route based on the value of a bin in the record. Only string, blob, and integer bin-types are supported.
  • custom Route with custom code.

Static routingโ€‹

For static routing, the configuration options are:

OptionRequiredExpected valueDescription
modeyesstaticSelects static routing configuration.
typeyesqueue/topicDestination type.
destinationyesName of the destination queue/topic.

Here is an example use of static routing:

mode: static
type: queue
destination: jms-queue

Skip routingโ€‹

For skip routing the configuration options are

OptionRequiredExpected valueDescription
modeyesskipSkip dispatch of record to JMS and ack success to XDR.


mode: skip

Skip routingโ€‹

For skip routing the configuration options are

OptionRequiredExpected valueDescription
modeyesskipSkip dispatch of record to JMS and ack success to XDR.


mode: skip

Set-name routingโ€‹

For record set-name routing, the configuration options are:

OptionRequiredExpected valueDescription
modeyessetSelects set name routing configuration.
typeyesqueue/topicDestination type.
defaultnoDefault destination queue/topic to use in case the set name is missing in the record or the destination queue/topic is not found.
transformsnoList of transformations to apply to the set name. See the Transforms section for details.


mode: set
type: queue
default: default-queue
- trim
- regex:
pattern: '(.*):(.*)'
replacement: '$2:$1'
- regex:
pattern: '$'
replacement: ':please'
- uppercase

Namespace name routingโ€‹

For record namespace name routing the configuration options are:

OptionRequiredExpected valueDescription
modeyesnamespaceSelects namespace name routing configuration.
typeyesqueue/topicDestination type.
defaultnoDefault destination queue/topic to use in case the namespace name is missing in the record or the destination queue/topic is not found.
transformsnoList of transformations to apply to the namespace name. See the Transforms section for details.


mode: namespace
type: queue
default: default-queue
- trim
- regex:
pattern: '(.*):(.*)'
replacement: '$2:$1'
- regex:
pattern: '$'
replacement: ':please'
- uppercase

Bin value routingโ€‹

For bin based routing the configuration options are:

OptionRequiredExpected valueDescription
modeyesbinSelects bin based routing.
typeyesqueue/topicDestination type.
binyesName of the bin to pick value from.
defaultyesDefault destination queue/topic to use in case the bin is missing in the record or the destination queue/topic is not found.
transformsnoList of transformations to apply to the bin value. See the Transforms section for details.


mode: bin
type: queue
bin: category
default: test-queue
- trim
- regex:
pattern: '[^A-Za-z0-9]'
replacement: '-'
- lowercase


You can configure a list of transforms that will be applied, in order, to the record's set name, namespace path or bin value in order to derive the destination queue or topic.

Currently, the following transforms are supported:

  • lowercase - converts the bin value to lowercase.
  • uppercase - converts the bin value to uppercase.
  • trim - trim leading and trailing whitespace.
  • regex - match against a regex pattern and replace all occurrences with a replacement.

The regex and replacement uses Java regex syntax.


The following transform configuration will first trim the route, replace all non-alphanumeric characters with '-' and convert the result to lowercase.

mode: bin
type: queue
bin: category
default: test-queue
- trim
- regex:
pattern: '[^A-Za-z0-9]'
replacement: '-'
- lowercase

Custom Routingโ€‹

Record can be also be routed with custom code. See Routing Transform.


mode: custom
class: com.aerospike.connect.outbound.example.GenerationRouter