Observability and management

Easily manage and monitor your real-time database

A rich collection of metrics, dashboards, and integrated command-line tools for observing your database performance.

Comprehensive observability

Across datacenters, regions, clusters and databases spanning over 400 metrics.

Actionable metrics with enriched alerts

Curated and dynamic dashboards with easy metrics navigation based on use cases, issues, and more - at no additional cost.


Open dashboards enable customization. Open Metrics/Telemetry (OTEL) support allows integration with partner solutions.

Aerospike Observability Architecture

Comprehensive database observability

Observability of your real-time data platform has never been this simple.  Aerospike Observability provides you with the tools to enable operational best practices that fit your organization’s needs. This starts with the Aerospike Metrics Exporter and Metrics Reference which provide over 500 well-documented metrics with details and examples of how to use them. The Metrics Reference also recommends alerting conditions and provides operational guidance. The Observability Stack also includes curated Grafana dashboards designed to help you navigate multiple clusters or focus on a specific use case.

Robust alerting

Robust alerting

Distinguishing signal from noise is crucial for busy operations teams. Aerospike includes a default package of alerts that help you identify and prioritize anomalies. The rules for these alerts are flexible and seamlessly integrate into ticketing, chat, and pager systems.

Manage what matters with the new Aerospike Observability Stack

Management Tools



Aerospike Observability is easy to integrate with your own observability solution. We are compatible with all technologies that support Open Telemetry, including the following:

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