MongoDB vs Aerospike

The table below outlines key technology differences between Aerospike Database 7.1 and MongoDB Enterprise Server 7.0.1.

Data model


Document store

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Multi-model (key-value, document, graph) data platform

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Aerospike’s ability to efficiently support multiple data models allows firms to use a single data platform to support at least a wide range of applications and business needs. (Note: Aerospike Vector Search can be previewed.)

Storage model


B-tree based

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Custom, high-performance format with storage engine choice

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Aerospike’s approach provides fast, predictable performance at scale, which is one of the primary reasons some MongoDB users have migrated to Aerospike. Providing sub-millisecond response times with SSDs means Aerospike clusters have fewer nodes, which lowers total cost of ownership (TCO), improves maintainability, and promotes greater reliability. Aerospike further lowers TCO with options for networked, NVMe-compatible storage.

Caching and persistence options


Primarily a persistent document store

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Easily configured as a high-speed cache (in-memory only) or as a persistent store

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Aerospike’s flexible deployment options enable firms to standardize on its platform for a wide range of applications, reducing the overall complexity of their data management infrastructures and avoiding the need to cross-train staff on multiple technologies. Many firms initially deploy Aerospike as a cache to promote real-time access to other systems of record or systems of engagement and later leverage Aerospike’s built-in persistence features to support additional applications. By contrast, MongoDB is widely deployed as a persistent document store.

Client access


Sharded clusters use a proxy (mongos) to route client requests

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Smart Client knows where every data element is minimizing network “hops”

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Aerospike’s on-premises approach minimizes network traffic, often enabling a client to access target data with a single network “hop.” This reduces latencies and promotes fast, predictable performance. By contrast, MongoDB’s proxy-based systems (both on-prem and cloud) frequently incur added network overhead and introduce greater operational complexity. 

Scalability options


Vertical and horizontal scaling; advanced planning strongly advised

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Vertical and horizontal scaling. Automatic data movement and automatic rebalancing when adding nodes

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Aerospike's better data distribution and more efficient horizontal and vertical scaling make it easier to operate and provide better performance at a lower cost.



High availability achieved with replication factor 3

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High availability achieved with replication factor 2

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Achieving high availability with fewer replicas reduces operational costs, hardware costs, and energy consumption.  With Aerospike, automated recovery from common failures promotes 24x7 operations, helps firms achieve target SLAs, and reduces operational complexity.



Causal consistency supported

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Strong consistency supported

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While both Aerospike and MongoDB passed independent Jespen consistency tests, Aerospike requires fewer nodes and incurs less CPU overhead at scale to ensure high levels of data consistency.

Multi-site support


Automated data replication across multiple clusters; A single cluster can span multiple sites

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Automated data replication across multiple clusters; A single cluster can span multiple sites

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Global enterprises require flexible strategies for operating across data centers. Aerospike supports both synchronous and asynchronous replication of data across multiple data centers in a variety of configurations. Firms can simultaneously configure Aerospike clusters across sites, data centers, availability zones, regions, and even cloud providers.  This enables applications to customize deployments according to their resilience and availability needs.



Production-ready primary, secondary indexes

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Production-ready primary, secondary indexes

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Aerospike and MongoDB both support varied indexing options to speed data access. Aerospike allows firms to store index data on SSDs, if desired, to reduce RAM dependency and improve cost efficiency while still maintaining high performance. MongoDB, however, allows for more complex indexing overall.

Query language and capabilities


Proprietary language (MQL); optional SQL connector

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SQL-like capabilities and SQL connectors with broad data retrieval features

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Although MongoDB’s primary query interface is proprietary, both MongoDB and Aerospike support SQL via connectors. This promotes integration with popular third-party analytic tools and leverages developers’ SQL programming skills.



A wide range of ready-made connectors are available from MongoDB

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Wide range of ready-made connectors available from Aerospike

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Making critical business data quickly available to those who need it often requires integration with existing third-party tools and technologies. Both vendors offer connectors to popular technologies; performance characteristics and features vary.

When does moving on from MongoDB make the most sense?

Read why some users move on to Aerospike over MongoDB. The choice often comes down to performance & scale or cost & efficiencies.