The benchmark application generates load on the cluster and calculates performance metrics for the Java client. The benchmark application allows you to:
- Read and write data to the database at a particular read/write ratio.
- Change the number of client threads to simulate client concurrency.
- Look at latency distribution from the client side.
$ cd benchmarks
$ mvn package
To start default benchmarks:
$ ./run_benchmarks -h <host name>
Benchmark:, namespace: test, set: testset, threads: 16, workload: READ_UPDATE
read: 50% (all bins: 100%, single bin: 0%), write: 50% (all bins: 100%, single bin: 0%)
keys: 100000, start key: 0, transactions: 0, bins: 1, random values: false, throughput: unlimited
read policy:
socketTimeout: 0, totalTimeout: 0, maxRetries: 2, sleepBetweenRetries: 0
consistencyLevel: CONSISTENCY_ONE, replica: SEQUENCE, reportNotFound: false
write policy:
socketTimeout: 0, totalTimeout: 0, maxRetries: 2, sleepBetweenRetries: 500
commitLevel: COMMIT_ALL
Sync: connPoolsPerNode: 1
bin[0]: integer
debug: false
2013-04-22 11:40:49.983 INFO Thread main Add node BB933E391211B00 3000
2013-04-22 11:40:50.000 INFO Thread main Add node BB9671B9F211B00 3000
2013-04-22 11:40:50.001 INFO Thread main Add node BB9C52127DBBAA4 3000
2013-04-22 11:40:51.001 write(tps=75712 timeouts=0 errors=0) read(tps=8273 timeouts=0 errors=0) total(tps=83985 timeouts=0 errors=0)
2013-04-22 11:40:52.002 write(tps=76412 timeouts=0 errors=0) read(tps=8517 timeouts=0 errors=0) total(tps=84929 timeouts=0 errors=0)
2013-04-22 11:40:53.002 write(tps=76351 timeouts=0 errors=0) read(tps=8502 timeouts=0 errors=0) total(tps=84853 timeouts=0 errors=0)
2013-04-22 11:40:54.002 write(tps=75599 timeouts=0 errors=0) read(tps=8369 timeouts=0 errors=0) total(tps=83968 timeouts=0 errors=0)
2013-04-22 11:40:55.002 write(tps=77090 timeouts=0 errors=0) read(tps=8757 timeouts=0 errors=0) total(tps=85847 timeouts=0 errors=0)
Ctrl C to stop
$ ./run_benchmarks -u
usage: com.aerospike.benchmarks.Main [<options>]
-a,--async Benchmark asynchronous methods instead of synchronous methods.
-auth <arg> Authentication mode. Values: [INTERNAL, EXTERNAL,
-B,--batchSize <arg> Enable batch mode with number of records to process in each
batch get call. Batch mode is valid only for RU (read update)
workloads. Batch mode is disabled by default.
-b,--bins <arg> Set the number of Aerospike bins. Each bin will contain an
object defined with -o. The default is single bin (-b 1).
-bns,--batchNamespaces <arg> Set batch namespaces. Default is regular namespace.
-BT,--batchThreads <arg> Maximum number of concurrent batch sub-threads for each batch
1 : Run each batch node command sequentially.
0 : Run all batch node commands in parallel.
> 1 : Run maximum batchThreads in parallel. When a node command
finshes, start a new one until all finished.
-C,--asyncMaxCommands <arg> Maximum number of concurrent asynchronous database commands.
-commitLevel <arg> Desired replica consistency guarantee when committing a
transaction on the server. Values: all | master. Default: all
-consistencyLevel <arg> How replicas should be consulted in a read operation to provide
the desired consistency guarantee. Values: one | all. Default:
-D,--debug Run benchmarks in debug mode.
-e,--expirationTime <arg> Set expiration time of each record in seconds. -1: Never expire,
0: Default to namespace, >0: Actual given expiration time
-F,--keyFile <arg> File path to read the keys for read operation.
-g,--throughput <arg> Set a target transactions per second for the client. The client
should not exceed this average throughput.
-h,--hosts <arg> List of seed hosts in format:
The tlsname is only used when connecting with a secure TLS
enabled server. If the port is not specified, the default port
is used.
IPv6 addresses must be enclosed in square brackets.
Default: localhost
-k,--keys <arg> Set the number of keys the client is dealing with. If using an
'insert' workload (detailed below), the client will write this
number of keys, starting from value = startkey. Otherwise, the
client will read and update randomly across the values between
startkey and startkey + num_keys. startkey can be set using
'-S' or '-startkey'.
-KT,--keyType <arg> Type of the key(String/Integer) in the file, default is String
-l,--keylength <arg> Not used anymore since key is an integer.
-latency <arg> ycsb[,<warmup count>] | [alt,]<columns>,<range shift
ycsb: Show the timings in ycsb format.
alt: Show both count and pecentage in each elapsed time bucket.
default: Show pecentage in each elapsed time bucket.
<columns>: Number of elapsed time ranges.
<range shift increment>: Power of 2 multiple between each range
starting at column 3.
(ms|us): display times in milliseconds (ms, default) or
microseconds (us)
A latency definition of '-latency 7,1' results in this layout:
<=1ms >1ms >2ms >4ms >8ms >16ms >32ms
x% x% x% x% x% x% x%
A latency definition of '-latency 4,3' results in this layout:
<=1ms >1ms >8ms >64ms
x% x% x% x%
Latency columns are cumulative. If a transaction takes 9ms, it
will be included in both the >1ms and >8ms columns.
-maxRetries <arg> Maximum number of retries before aborting the current
-N,--reportNotFound Report not found errors. Data should be fully initialized before
using this option.
-n,--namespace <arg> Set the Aerospike namespace. Default: test
-netty Use Netty NIO event loops for async benchmarks
-nettyEpoll Use Netty epoll event loops for async benchmarks (Linux only)
-o,--objectSpec <arg> I | S:<size> | B:<size>
Set the type of object(s) to use in Aerospike transactions. Type
can be 'I' for integer, 'S' for string, or 'B' for Java blob. If
type is 'I' (integer), do not set a size (integers are always 8
bytes). If object_type is 'S' (string), this value represents
the length of the string.
-P,--password <arg> Password
-p,--port <arg> Set the default port on which to connect to Aerospike.
-prole Distribute reads across proles in round-robin fashion.
-R,--random Use dynamically generated random bin values instead of default
static fixed bin values.
-r,--replica <arg> Which replica to use for reads.
Values: master | any | sequence. Default: sequence
master: Always use node containing master partition.
any: Distribute reads across master and proles in round-robin
sequence: Always try master first. If master fails, try proles
in sequence.
-readSocketTimeout <arg> Set read socketTimeout in milliseconds.
-readTotalTimeout <arg> Set read totalTimeout in milliseconds.
-S,--startkey <arg> Set the starting value of the working set of keys. If using an
'insert' workload, the start_value indicates the first value to
write. Otherwise, the start_value indicates the smallest value
in the working set of keys.
-s,--set <arg> Set the Aerospike set name. Default: testset
-sleepBetweenRetries <arg> Milliseconds to sleep between retries if a transaction fails and
the timeout was not exceeded. Enter zero to skip sleep.
-socketTimeout <arg> Set read and write socketTimeout in milliseconds.
-T,--timeout <arg> Set read and write socketTimeout and totalTimeout to the same
timeout in milliseconds.
-t,--transactions <arg> Number of transactions to perform in read/write mode before
shutting down. The default is to run indefinitely.
-tls,--tlsEnable Use TLS/SSL sockets
-tlsCiphers,--tlsCipherSuite <arg> Allow TLS cipher suites
Values: cipher names defined by JVM separated by comma
Default: null (default cipher list provided by JVM)
-tlsLoginOnly Use TLS/SSL sockets on node login only
-totalTimeout <arg> Set read and write totalTimeout in milliseconds.
-tp,--tlsProtocols <arg> Allow TLS protocols
Values: TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2 separated by comma
Default: TLSv1.2
-tr,--tlsRevoke <arg> Revoke certificates identified by their serial number
Values: serial numbers separated by comma
Default: null (Do not revoke certificates)
-U,--user <arg> User name
-u,--usage Print usage.
-ufn,--udfFunctionName <arg> Specify the udf function name that must be used in the udf
-ufv,--udfFunctionValues <arg> The udf argument values comma separated
-upn,--udfPackageName <arg> Specify the package name where the udf function is located
-V,--version Print version.
-W,--eventLoops <arg> Number of event loop threads when running in asynchronous mode.
-w,--workload <arg> I | RU,<percent>[,<percent2>][,<percent3>] |
RR,<percent>[,<percent2>][,<percent3>], RMU | RMI | RMD
Set the desired workload.
-w I sets a linear 'insert' workload.
-w RU,80 sets a random read-update workload with 80% reads and
20% writes.
100% of reads will read all bins.
100% of writes will write all bins.
-w RU,80,60,30 sets a random multi-bin read-update workload with
80% reads and 20% writes.
60% of reads will read all bins. 40% of reads will read a single
30% of writes will write all bins. 70% of writes will write a
single bin.
-w RR,20 sets a random read-replace workload with 20% reads and
80% replace all bin(s) writes.
100% of reads will read all bins.
100% of writes will replace all bins.
-w RMU sets a random read all bins-update one bin workload with
50% reads.
-w RMI sets a random read all bins-increment one integer bin
workload with 50% reads.
-w RMD sets a random read all bins-decrement one integer bin
workload with 50% reads.
-w TXN,r:1000,w:200,v:20%
form business transactions with 1000 reads, 200 writes with a
variation (+/-) of 20%
-writeSocketTimeout <arg> Set write socketTimeout in milliseconds.
-writeTotalTimeout <arg> Set write totalTimeout in milliseconds.
-Y,--connPoolsPerNode <arg> Number of synchronous connection pools per node. Default 1.
-z,--threads <arg> Set the number of threads the client will use to generate load.
Example 1
- Run synchronous benchmarks.
- Connect to localhost:3000 using test Namespace.
- Use 10 million integer keys (starting at "1") and 50 character string values.
- Read 10% and write 90% of the time using 20 concurrent threads.
$ ./run_benchmarks -h -p 3000 -n test -k 10000000 -S 1 -o S:50 -w RU,10 -z 20
Example 2
- Run synchronous benchmarks.
- Connect to localhost:3000 using test namespace.
- Use 10 million integer keys (starting at "1") and 1400 bytes values using a single bin.
- Read 80% and write 20% of the time using 8 concurrent threads.
- Restrict transactions/second to 2500.
- Timeout after 50ms for reads and writes.
$ ./run_benchmarks -h -p 3000 -n test -k 10000000 -b 1 -o B:1400 -w RU,80 -g 2500 -T 50 -z 8
Example 3
- Run asynchronous benchmarks.
- Connect to localhost:3000 using test namespace.
- Use 10 million integer keys (starting at "1") and 50 character string values.
- Read 50% and write 50% of the time.
- Limit the number of concurrent database commands to 300.
- Use 8 event loops with non-blocking connections to process the commands.
$ ./run_benchmarks -h -p 3000 -n test -k 10000000 -S 1 -o S:50 -w RU,50 -z 1 -async -asyncMaxCommands 300 -eventLoops 8