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Incompatible API changes

Version 8.0.1

If you are using JDK version equal to or later than 21 as your runtime environment (RTE):

  • Specify the Aerospike Java Client package aerospike-client-jdk21 in your pom.xml or build.gradle build specification file.

If you are using JDK version equal to or later than 8 and earlier than 21 as your RTE:

  • Specify the Aerospike Java Client package aerospike-client-jdk8 in your pom.xml or build.gradle build specification file.

From Aerospike Java Client version 8.0.1 and later, the aerospike-client-jdk21 and aerospike-client-jdk8 packages are functionally equivalent, with equivalent APIs. The only difference is that the aerospike-client-jdk21 package supports the use of virtual threads and may give a throughput performance boost for applications which use sync operations.

The developer API of the packages is the same. The packages differ in their internal implementations.

Version 8.0.0

JDK 21 required

Aerospike Java Client version 8.0.0 requires virtual threads support provided by JDK version 21. If your application must use an earlier version of the JDK, use the new aerospike-client-jdk8 package in version 8.0.1.

Virtual threads support eliminated the need for sync thread pools. The following policy variables have been removed.

  • From ClientPolicy:
    • threadPool
    • sharedThreadPool
  • From BatchPolicy:
    • maxConcurrentThreads : All sync batch node commands are now run in parallel on virtual threads.

Note: These policy variables were restored in version 8.0.1 to preserve compatibilty between the new aerospike-client-jdk8 and aerospike-client-jdk21 packages. These variables are ignored in the aerospike-client-jdk21 package.

Version 7.2.0

Add returnType argument to MapExp.removeBy() and ListExp.removeBy().

A new returnType argument has been added to relevant MapExp.removeBy() and ListExp.removeBy() methods. To upgrade existing MapExp.removeBy() methods, pass in MapReturnType.NONE. To upgrade existing ListExp.removeBy() methods, pass in ListReturnType.NONE.


MapExp.removeByKeyList(keys, bin);
ListExp.removeByValue(value, bin);


MapExp.removeByKeyList(MapReturnType.NONE, keys, bin);
ListExp.removeByValue(ListReturnType.NONE, value, bin);

Version 7.1.0

Java serialized blobs returned as raw byte[]

Java serialized blobs are now returned as a raw byte[] instead of throwing an exception. The byte[] can be deserialized using the following code:

try (ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes, 0, bytes.length)) {
try (ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bis)) {
return ois.readObject();

This is considered a temporary solution until the java serialized blobs are converted to a safer format.

Version 7.0.0

Java serialization/deserialization functionality removed

Deserialization of java serialized objects has been identified as a security risk (CVE-2023-36480). Therefore, all functionality that ultimately called ObjectInputStream.readObject() or ObjectOutputStream.writeObject() has been removed. This includes the following constructors and methods:

public Bin(String name, Object value);
public static Bin asBlob(String name, Object value);
public static Value getAsBlob(Object value);

All existing database objects that are serialized using this serialization format should be converted to a safer format (Aerospike native types, protobuf, msgpack, json, xml ...) using a previous client version before upgrading to client version 7.0.0. Here is an example:

Old java serialization:

public class MyClass implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

public String a;
public int b;

MyClass mc = new MyClass();
mc.a = "stringa";
mc.b = 55;

Key key = new Key("test", "set", "key1");

client.put(null, key, new Bin("bin", mc));

Record rec = client.get(null, key);
MyClass val = (MyClass)rec.getValue("bin");

New list serialization:

List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();

Key key = new Key("test", "set", "key1");

client.put(null, key, new Bin("bin", list));

Record rec = client.get(null, key);
List<?> val = rec.getList("bin");

New map serialization:

Map<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String,Object>();
map.put("a", "stringa");
map.put("b", 55);

Key key = new Key("test", "set", "key1");

client.put(null, key, new Bin("bin", map));

Record rec = client.get(null, key);
Map<?,?> val = rec.getMap("bin");

Value.UseBoolBin now defaults to true

Previous client versions wrote a boolean value to a bin by default, using the Aerospike integer particle type. Client versions 7.0.0+ write a boolean value to a bin by default, using the Aerospike boolean particle type. The client can read boolean values from either integer or boolean particle types via Record.getBoolean().

To restore old behavior, set Value.UseBoolBin to false. This stores the Aerospike integer particle type for booleans. Set this value once at the beginning of the program and before instantiating any AerospikeClient instances. This applies to all AerospikeClient instances. This guarantees it occurs before any write commands:

import com.aerospike.client.Value;
import com.aerospike.client.AerospikeClient;

Value.UseBoolBin = false;
AerospikeClient client = new AerospikeClient(policy, hosts);

Version 6.0.0 - Remove old PredExp

The old deprecated PredExp functionality has been removed. Code using old PredExp must be converted to the new expression syntax. See: PredExp to Expression

Version 5.1.0 - Remove scan fields

The following scan fields have been removed since they are no longer supported by the server.

  • Policy.priority: Use ScanPolicy.recordsPerSecond instead to limit throughput.
  • ScanPolicy.scanPercent: Use ScanPolicy.maxRecords instead to limit records returned.
  • ScanPolicy.failOnClusterChange: This field is not used with partition scans.

Version 5.0.0 - Replace predicate expressions with Aerospike Expressions

The old PredExp functionality has been replaced by Expressions. Expressions include all previous predicate expression functionality (with a different, improved syntax) plus support for record metadata expressions and list/map/bit/hyperloglog expression methods analogous to those used in operations.

  • Removed PredExp class.
  • Added Exp (expression builder) class.
  • Added Expression (expression byte code) class.
  • Added ListExp, MapExp, BitExp and HLLExp classes.

Client 5.0.0 requires server Client 5.0.1 restored old PredExp functionality for a period of one year in order to ease the burden of converting from old PredExp to Expressions. Client 5.0.1+ requires server 4.9+ until the year is up. At that time, old PredExp will be permanently removed.

Code using old PredExp must be converted to the new syntax. Here is an example:


Statement stmt = new Statement();
stmt.setFilter(Filter.range("bin1", 0, 100));

// ! (bin2 >= 15 && bin2 <= 42)

RecordSet rs = client.query(null, stmt);


Statement stmt = new Statement();
stmt.setFilter(Filter.range("bin1", 0, 100));

// ! (bin2 >= 15 && bin2 <= 42)
QueryPolicy policy = new QueryPolicy();
policy.filterExp =
Exp.and("bin2"), Exp.val(15)),
Exp.le(Exp.intBin("bin2"), Exp.val(42)))));

RecordSet rs = client.query(policy, stmt);

Version 4.4.0 - Read consistency level changes

Read policy changes for commands involving AP (availability) namespaces

  • Policy variable ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel moved to ReadModeAP readModeAP.

Read policy changes for commands involving SC (strong consistency) namespaces

  • Policy variable boolean linearizeRead moved to ReadModeSC readModeSC.
  • Add ReadModeSC enum below:
* Read policy for SC (strong consistency) namespaces.
* <p>
* Determines SC read consistency options.
public enum ReadModeSC {
* Ensures this client will only see an increasing sequence of record versions.
* Server only reads from master. This is the default.

* Ensures ALL clients will only see an increasing sequence of record versions.
* Server only reads from master.

* Server may read from master or any full (non-migrating) replica.
* Increasing sequence of record versions is not guaranteed.

* Server may read from master or any full (non-migrating) replica or from unavailable
* partitions. Increasing sequence of record versions is not guaranteed.

Version 4.3.0 - Remove obsolete code

The following old obsoleted code has been removed.

  • AsyncClient: This old async class was replaced by the new async methods in AerospikeClient. Users should migrate to the new async functionality.

  • Statement.setFilters() and Statement.getFilters(): These methods were replaced by Statement.setFilter() and Statement.getFilter(). The server accepts only one filter.

  • Value.UseDoubleType: This configuration variable is no longer necessary because all server versions that this client supports also support the double type. This client supports server versions >= 3.6.0.

  • ClientPolicy.requestProleReplicas: This configuration variable is no longer necessary because prole replicas are now always requested.

  • Batch direct protocol code: This old batch direct protocol code was replaced by the batch index functionality. This code was no longer accessible by the external API.

Version 4.2.3 - Remove BatchPolicy.useBatchDirect

BatchPolicy.useBatchDirect was removed because the server has removed support for the old batch direct protocol. Remove any references to this policy field.

Version 4.2.0 - Require minimum java version 1.8

We require minimum java version 1.8.

Version 4.1.0 - LDT Removal and Index Exceptions

LDT methods have been removed on client because large data types are no longer supported by Aerospike Server.

Index exception handling has changed on the client. In the past, the client swallowed INDEX_ALREADY_EXISTS errors on createIndex(). The client now throws an AerospikeException when an index already exists on createIndex().

The client also used to swallow INDEX_NOTFOUND errors on dropIndex(). The client now throws an AerospikeException when an index does not already exist on dropIndex().

To preserve old behavior, calling code can be changed to:

try {
IndexTask task = client.createIndex(policy, ns, set, indexName, binName, indexType);
catch (AerospikeException ae) {
if (ae.getResultCode() != ResultCode.INDEX_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
throw ae;

try {
client.dropIndex(policy, ns, set, indexName);
catch (AerospikeException ae) {
if (ae.getResultCode() != ResultCode.INDEX_NOTFOUND) {
throw ae;

Version 4.0.0 - Policy changes

The Policy class has been redefined to support greater control on timeout behavior and provide defaults that improve retry success.

Split timeout into socketTimeout and totalTimeout

socketTimeout is the socket idle timeout in milliseconds. For synchronous methods, socketTimeout is the socket timeout (SO_TIMEOUT). For asynchronous methods, the socketTimeout is implemented using a HashedWheelTimer and socketTimeout is only used if totalTimeout is not defined.

If socketTimeout is not zero and the socket has been idle for at least socketTimeout, both maxRetries and totalTimeout are checked. If maxRetries is not exceeded and totalTimeout is not reached, the command is retried. If both socketTimeout and totalTimeout are non-zero and socketTimeout > totalTimeout, then socketTimeout will be set to totalTimeout. If socketTimeout is zero, there will be no socket idle limit.

totalTimeout is the maximum time allowed in milliseconds to process a command. totalTimeout is tracked on the client and sent to the server along with the command in the wire protocol. The client will most likely timeout first, but the server also has the capability to timeout the command. If totalTimeout is zero, there will be no total time limit.

To keep old timeout behavior, set socketTimeout equal to totalTimeout.

Removed retryOnTimeout

retryOnTimeout has been removed because it is no longer necessary. If a command timed out on socketTimeout, retries will now occur until maxRetries is exceeded or totalTimeout is reached.

Changed Policy replica default to Replica.SEQUENCE

The sequence replica algorithm starts with the node containing the key's master partition. If a connection error occurs, the node containing the key's replicated partition is used on retry. Writes now switch to replicated nodes on connection errors because the replicated node is most likely to become the new master when the old master goes down.

Reads also switch to replicated nodes on timeouts, but writes do not switch nodes on timeouts. Timeouts are not a good indicator of downed nodes.

Changed Policy maxRetries default to 2

maxRetries now defaults to 2 to give a better chance of retry success.

Changed Policy sleepBetweenRetries default to zero for reads

Reads do not have to sleep when a node goes down because the cluster does not shut out reads during cluster reformation.

The sleepBetweenRetries default for writes remains at 500ms. Writes need to wait for the cluster to reform when a node goes down. Immediate write retries on node failure have been shown to consistently result in errors.

Changed ClientPolicy requestProleReplicas default to true.

Prole replica maps are required when using Replica.SEQUENCE algorithm.

Version 3.2.0 - Max connections is a now a hard limit

Past versions used to create new connections when a node's outstanding connections exceeded ClientPolicy.maxThreads. This connection would then be closed (not put back into connection pool) when the command finished. This could handle unexpected bursts of commands (with a performance penalty), but it also resulted in excessive socket opens/closes and too many sockets in a CLOSED/WAIT state.

Version 3.2.0 renames ClientPolicy.maxThreads to ClientPolicy.maxConnsPerNode and enforces a strict limit on maximum number of connections allowed per server node. Synchronous commands will now fail with ResultCode.NO_MORE_CONNECTIONS (after going through retry logic) if the maximum number of connections would be exceeded.

The number of connections used per node depends on how many concurrent threads issue database commands plus sub-threads used for parallel multi-node commands (batch, scan, and query). One connection will be used for each thread.

Version 3.1.4 - New Aerospike Server double type

Aerospike Server versions >= 3.6.0 can store 64-bit double floating point values natively. Previous server versions did not recognize a double data type, so clients sent doubles as long bits instead. The java client can now send double as the new server double type when the following flag is set:

    Value.UseDoubleType = true;

If the flag is false, double values will be sent as long bits. The flag currently defaults to false because both Aerospike Server and XDR (if used) must also be upgraded to versions >= 3.6.0 before the client uses the double data type.

The client can handle both return types (double or long) when receiving data from the server using Record.getDouble():

    double val = record.getDouble("bin");

Version 3.1.0 - Bin constructors for list/map

Two new Bin constructors have been added:

    public Bin(String name, List<?> value)
public Bin(String name, Map<?,?> value)

These constructors serialize list/map using a custom format supported natively by Aerospike 3 servers. These constructors duplicate old static initializers which have now been marked deprecated.

public static Bin asList(String name, List<?> value)
public static Bin asMap(String name, Map<?,?> value)

Previous code that wrote list/map may have used the default Bin object constructor:

    public Bin(String name, Object value)

This object constructor serializes list/map using the java's default serializer format. The new custom format is faster and can be introspected by the server, but the user may still want to preserve the old default java serialization (Running with Aerospike 2 servers is one reason). If so, the following code modification is necessary:


    new Bin(name, list)
new Bin(name, map)


    new Bin(name, (Object)list)
new Bin(name, (Object)map)

Finally, the underlying list/map Value methods have been modified as well:

    public static Value get(List<?> value)
public static Value get(Map<?,?> value)

public static Value getAsList(List<?> value)
public static Value getAsMap(Map<?,?> value)

Version 3.0.34 - Integer Bin Value Casting

Always return 64 bit integers (long) for numbers retrieved from the server. Code that casts record values to Integer must be changed to call "Record.getInt()" which performs the proper casting.


    int value = (Integer)record.getValue("binname");


    int value = record.getInt("binname");