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Version: Operator 3.3.1

Install the Aerospike Kubernetes Operator Using OLM

We recommend using Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) to run and manage the Aerospike Kubernetes Operator in production environments.

To begin, create a new Kubernetes cluster on the platform of your choice, and configure kubectl to use that cluster. See the Requirements page for Kubernetes version and other requirements.

OLM is installed by default on OpenShift deployments. Go directly to OpenShift for instructions on using OLM for OpenShift.

If you're using a Kubernetes deployment on another framework, such as self-hosted (Vanilla Kubernetes) or using a cloud service provider, follow these instructions to first install OLM and then the operator itself: Install from OperatorHub.


If you are installing on an ARM processor, make sure the installed OLM version is 0.25.0 or later.