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Configure AVS


Aerospike Vector Search (AVS) uses a single configuration file located at /etc/aerospike-vector-search/aerospike-vector-search.yml.

  • The configuration file is divided into different configuration sections, or stanzas. A stanza can be further divided into sub-stanzas, and stanzas can be in any order in the configuration file.

  • Some stanzas are required and some are optional.

  • The maximum length of a line in the configuration file is 1,024 characters.

  • You can find working configuration file examples in the aerospike-vector-search-examples repository.

The following sections describe the stanzas that comprise aerospike-vector-search.yml, including sample excerpts and description of available configuration options.


Use cluster to configure the AVS cluster.

# Custom node-id. It will be auto-generated if not specified.
# node-id: a1

# Unique identifier for this cluster.
cluster-name: aerospike-avs
node-idnoUnique ID for this node, formatted as a hexadecimal long number (e.g., 7f0000011388).Unique ID derived from the nodeโ€™s service IP address and port.
cluster-nameyesUnique name for the AVS cluster (e.g, avs-db-1).

Feature-key fileโ€‹

Use feature-key-file to define the path to an Aerospike feature key file that has the vector-service key enabled. Contact your AVS point of contact or Aerospike account manager if you need assistance.

# Aerospike vector-service enabled license file  
feature-key-file: /etc/aerospike-vector-search/features.conf
feature-key-fileyesFull path to a valid feature key file.


Use storage to configure the connection properties that AVS uses when connecting to the target (destination) Aerospike Database.

# Target Aerospike cluster
- localhost:
port: 3000
seedsyesList of Aerospike seeds. See seeds
client-policynoSee Aerospike client policy properties.


The seeds stanza is required and defines the Aerospike Database cluster nodes to which you want AVS to connect. AVS iterates through the seed nodes. After connecting to a node, AVS discovers all of the nodes in the cluster.

port: 3000
tls-name: red
portnoPort to use when making connections to the Aerospike Database.3000
tls-namenoTLS name of the Aerospike Database.

Client policyโ€‹

Use client-policy to configure connection details between AVS and Aerospike.

max-conns-per-node: 1000
# If TLS is required to connect to Aerospike
#tls-id: aerospike-tls
# Aerospike credentials if required.
username: admin
password-file: /path/to/password/file.txt
cluster-namenoCluster name of the destination Aerospike cluster.
unary-event-loopsnoNumber of event loops to process unary requests (e.g., get, put, exists, etc.) from the client.Number of available processors.
batch-event-loopsnoNumber of event loops to process batch requests from the client.2
query-event-loopsnoNumber of event loops to process query requests from the client.4
auth-modenoAerospike auth mode, which can be INTERNAL or EXTERNALINTERNAL
timeoutnoCluster tend info call timeout in milliseconds. The timeout when opening a connection to the server node for the first time and when polling each node for cluster status.1000
login-timeoutnoLogin timeout in milliseconds. The timeout is used when user authentication is enabled and a node login is being performed.5000
close-timeoutnoCluster close timeout in milliseconds. Time to wait for pending async commands to complete. Use 0 for no timeout.0
min-conns-per-nodenoMinimum number of synchronous connections allowed per server node. Preallocate min connections on client node creation. The client will periodically allocate new connections if count falls below min connections.0
max-conns-per-nodenoMaximum number of synchronous connections allowed per server node. Transactions will go through retry logic and potentially fail with "ResultCode.NO_MORE_CONNECTIONS" if the maximum number of connections would be exceeded.100
conn-pools-per-nodenoNumber of synchronous connection pools used for each node. Machines with 8 CPU cores or less usually need only one connection pool per node. Machines with a large number of CPU cores may have their synchronous performance limited by contention for pooled connections. Contention for pooled connections can be reduced by creating multiple mini connection pools per node.1
max-socket-idlenoMaximum socket idle in seconds. Socket connection pools will discard sockets that have been idle longer than the maximum.0
max-error-ratenoMaximum number of errors allowed per node before backoff algorithm throws exception on database commands to that node. If set to zero, there is no error limit and the exception will never be thrown.0
error-rate-windownoNumber of cluster tend iterations that defines the window for maxErrorRate. One tend iteration is defined as tendInterval plus the time to tend all nodes. At the end of the window, the error count is reset to zero and backoff state is removed on all nodes.1
tend-intervalnoInterval between cluster tends by maintenance thread in milliseconds.1000
keep-alivenoSee keepAlive.
ip-mapnoSee ipMap.
use-services-alternatenoUse services-alternate instead of services in info request during cluster tending. services-alternate returns server configured external IP addresses that the client uses to talk to nodes. services-alternate can be used in place of providing a client ipMap.false
rack-awarenoSee rackAware.
rack-idnoSee rackId.
rack-idsnoSee rackIds.
tls-idnoName of the TLS configuration to use if TLS is desired.
credentialsnoUse the optional credentials stanza to provide authentication details when connecting to ASDB. See Security in the Database documentation for more details.
usernamenoUsername to send for connecting to ASDB.
password-filenoFull path to a file from which to read the password for username. Everything after the first newline is ignored. Trailing spaces in the first line are not ignored.


Use service to configure networking between AVS and AVS clients.

# The AVS service listening ports, TLS and network interface.
# Required when running behind NAT
# default:
# # List of externally accessible addresses and ports for this AVS instance.
# - address:
# port: 5000
portsyesThe map of ports on which AVS listens. See Ports for details.
advertised-listenersnoA map of advertised listener names to advertised endpoint. See Advertised Listener for details.
io-threadsnoNumber of IO threads to read incoming parse requests.Number of available processors
worker-threadsnoNumber of threads that will invoke AVS to dispatch a record.Number of available processors
cluster-namenoGroup or cluster to which this AVS node belongs, used for grouping instances in Prometheus.product-name
max-inbound-message-sizenoMaximum uncompressed size (in bytes) for inbound messages.8388608
metadata-namespacenoAerospike namespace where AVS stores its system metadata.avs-meta


Use manage to specify the endpoint and optional TLS settings for securing connections to AVS. You can use the Management and Metrics API to query and manage outbound server metrics and logs using a REST endpoint.

# Management API listening ports, TLS and network interface.
5040: { }
portsyesThe map of ports the AVS management API listens on, to each port specific configuration. See Ports for details.


Use interconnect to configure networking between AVS clusters.

# Intra cluster interconnect listening ports, TLS and network interface.
# client-tls-id: interconnect-tls
client-tls-idnoInterconnect client side TLS configuration when TLS is enabled for interconnect
portsyesThe map of ports on which the AVS interconnect listens. See Ports for details.


Use heartbeat to configure heartbeat communication over interconnect ports between AVS cluster instances for discovery, cluster formation, and maintenance.

- address:
port: 5001
intervalnoHeartbeat message interval in milliseconds.500
timeoutnoPeer node timeout interval in milliseconds. If no heartbeat is received from the peer in this interval, it is considered unreachable.5000
seedsnoA seed list of Advertised Listeners for AVS peer instances.


Use ports to describe the configuration for each listening port.

addressesnoThe list of interface IP addresses to which the connector binds. Use for all interfaces.
tls-idnoName of the TLS configuration to use with this port if TLS is desired.

Advertised Listenerโ€‹

An advertised listener is an external (NATed) address and port combination that differs from the actual address and port where AVS is listening. Clients can access AVS on a node using the advertised listener address and port.

addressyesAdvertised IP address or hostname.
portyesAdvertised port.

TLS (optional)โ€‹

Use TLS to configure certificates used on interconnect and storage sections.

The TLS section is a map from a TLS configuration name, used from various sections using TLS to refer to a particular TLS configuration.

store-file: tls/
store-password-file: tls/storepass
store-file: tls/
store-password-file: tls/storepass
key-password-file: tls/keypass

store-file: tls/
store-password-file: tls/storepass
store-file: tls/
store-password-file: tls/storepass
key-password-file: tls/keypass

store-file: tls/
store-password-file: tls/storepass
store-file: tls/
store-password-file: tls/storepass
key-password-file: tls/keypass
key-storenoThe keystore configuration containing the server-side certificate and key. See Configuring a TLS Store.
trust-storenoDefault java trust storeThe keystore configuration containing the trusted CA certificates. See Configuring a TLS Store.
protocolsnoTLSv1.2List of allowed TLS protocols.
ciphersnoDefault java ciphersList of allowed ciphers.
allowed-peer-namesnoList of AVS client peer names for mutual authentication. If set, only those clients that present certificates matching the peer names will be allowed to connect.
mutual-authnofalseSpecifies whether the AVS must perform mutual authentication with the AVS client.

Keystores and truststoresโ€‹

Use key-store and trust-store to configure TLS keystores and truststores. All file paths are considered relative to the directory in which the configuration file is located. See Setting Up TLS Keystores for Aerospike Connect for information about creating keystores.

store-fileyesThe store file.
store-password-fileyesRead store password from this file.
key-password-filenoRead key password from this file.
store-typenoJKSThe keystore type. Valid values are JKS, JCEKS, PKCS12, PKCS11, DKS, Windows_MY, BKS, PEM.

Configure a TLS keystoreโ€‹

OpenSSL default format and PKCS #8 format are supported for private keys.

store-type: PEM
store-file: key.pem # Cleartext private key.
certificate-chain-files: # Certificate chain in multiple PEM files.
- cert-1.pem
- cert-2.pem
store-type: PEM
store-file: key.pem
store-password-file: storepass # Password protecting key.pem.
certificate-chain-files: certchain.pem
store-typeYesValue should be PEM.
store-fileYesPrivate key in PEM format. Can be in encrypted or cleartext format.
store-password-fileOptionalPassword that protects the private key specified as the value of the store-file parameter.
certificate-chain-filesYesList of files containing X.509 certificates corresponding to the private key specified in store-file. Multiple entries in each certificate file are allowed. All entries from all files are concatenated in order, with the first X.509 certificate from the first file being added at index 0, and the last X.509 certificate from the last file being added last. The chain must be ordered and contain an X.509 certificate at index 0 corresponding to the private key specified in store-file. Any entries not corresponding to an X.509 certificate are ignored when reading the PEM format certificate files.

Configure a TLS truststoreโ€‹

OpenSSL default format and PKCS #8 format are supported for private keys.

store-type: PEM
certificate-files: certs.pem
store-type: PEM
- certs-1.pem
- certs-2.pem
store-typeYesThe value must be PEM.
certificate-filesYesThe X.509 certificates to trust. All X.509 PEM entries in all the files are added to the trust store. Any entries not corresponding to X.509 certificate are ignored.

Security (optional)โ€‹

# To enable client authentication
private-key: samples/auth/private_key.pem
public-key: samples/auth/public_key.pem
token-expiry: 300_000

If present configures secure authentication of AVS clients.

auth-tokenyesnoneConfigures access token management. See auth token for details.
cache-expiryno10000Auth data cache expiry in milliseconds. A value of zero disables caching.

Auth tokenโ€‹

Configures how the AVS issues access tokens to the AVS clients.

private-keyyesnonePrivate key PEM file for securing and validating the access token.
private-key-passwordyesnonePlain text file containing the private key password.
public-keyyesnonePublic key PEM file for securing the access token.
token-expiryno30000The expiry (TTL) for an issued access token.


Use indexing to configure index usage and maintenance operations as it relates to caching and healer. See the subsection for complete details.

max-mem-queue-sizeno1000000Default maximum size of in-memory queue for inserted/updated vector records. If the queue is full the record upsert will either be rejected with a RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED error or written to storage for index healer to later pick the record for indexing based on the put option.
cachenoDefault cache properties. See Cache for details.
healernoDefault healer properties. See Healer for details.


max-entriesno2000000The default maximum number of vector graph vertices to cache for indices that have not configured the cache parameters.
expiry-millisnono expiryThe default cache expiry in milliseconds for indices that have not configured the cache parameters. Entries in cache will expire after this interval when written to cache.


max-scan-rate-per-nodeno1000The default value for maximum allowed record scan rate per vector db node.
max-scan-page-sizeno10000The default value for maximum number of records in a single scanned page.
reindex-percentno10The default value for percentage of good records randomly selected for reindexing in a healer cycle.


# The logging properties.
#format: json
#file: /var/log/aerospike-vector-search/aerospike-vector-search.log
enable-console-logging: true
# metrics-ticker: info
# root: debug
filenoSpecifies the path to the log file. Rotated log files are placed in the same folder as the current log file.
formatnoLogging format: simple (space delimited) or json (JSON formatted)Simple
enable-console-loggingnoWhen set to true and a log file is also specified, log messages are sent to both the console and the log file. Although enable-console-logging is false by default, it is forced to true if you do not specify a log file.false
max-historynoSpecifies the maximum number of log files to retain.30
levelsnoSpecifies the types of messages to include in the log file. Valid log levels are error, warn, info, debug, and trace. Each successive level includes the messages from the previous levels. For example, trace, being the highest level, includes messages from error, warn, info, and debug.
ticker-intervalnoSpecifies how frequently messages are written to the log file, if there are any messages to write. The interval in measured in seconds.10