Real-time computing challenges for document stores in online gaming

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About this webinar

Document stores for real-time applications in online gaming have stringent requirements. They need to support millions of concurrent users while being globally distributed. They need to be able to generate real-time reports and alerts based on activities and regulatory requirements at different locales. They must also be able to withstand availability outages, surges in player logins, and seasonal spikes due to things like the World Cup or the Super Bowl.

Join us for an examination of one such example of a player protection application developed by Aerospike and real-time gaming experts Intuita that simulates over 100 million players interacting with 200TB of data, with real-time interventions to prevent problematic player behavior.

The real-time player protection application features: – Real-time data ingestion at a rate of one million transactions per second – Querying and updating a 200 TB document store of historical gameplay data – Real-time capture of in-session data to detect and report bad player behavior and intervene if necessary – Geo-specific reporting structure for this regulation-heavy solution space – Ad hoc access via SQL for operators and regulators

Join Aerospike experts to discuss the lessons learned from bringing this solution to fruition.


George Demarest
Director of Product Marketing
richard-lewis 400x400
Richard Lewis
Manager, Western Region Solution Architects