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Version: Operator 2.2.0

Upgrade Operator 2.1.0 to 2.2.0

Choose the upgrade method based on your Operator installation.

Operator versions starting with 2.0.0 can upgrade directly to the latest 2.x.0 version without going through the intermediate versions.

Upgrade operator on an OLM installation


There is a known issue in OLM based installations ( and on Red Hat OpenShift) where upgrade to version 2.2.0 from 2.1.0, causes revoking of RBAC privileges required to run Aerospike clusters in Kubernetes namespaces other than the aerospike namespace.

If you are running Aerospike clusters in Kubernetes namespaces other than the aerospike namespace, re-grant the RBAC privileges following instructions here.

The implementation on OpenShift upgrades to the newest version, skipping intermediate versions. The implementation on upgrades sequentially through the intermediate versions.

Upgrade operator on a Helm based installation

Helm upgrades require manual user control. You can perform either a sequential upgrade through each intermediate version or directly upgrade to the newest version.