Key-value database
Many internet applications are designed around large, fast key-value stores. Internet applications like Twitter, Weibo, Uber, Pinterest are built primarily with large key-value systems instead of SQL. Key-value is predictable, and in-memory systems like Redis are very fast.
An application like Twitter has user records, where each user record might have a list of people followed or followers. Each user has the list of messages they’ve created – and maybe a list of sponsored messages they should read. With a NoSQL programming model, you’ll need to think about your application differently, but you’ll reap the benefits of speed and scale.
For high scale internet applications, a key-value database needs persistence, sharding, object operations like list and map manipulation, and to have great operational characteristics. A variety of different application languages need to be supported – most teams use a combination of languages, not just Java or Node but also perhaps Python, Ruby, or even components in C or Go.
What is a key-value store?
Read how several companies are using Aerospike as a key-value store