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Version: Operator 3.4.1

Install the Aerospike Kubernetes Operator on Red Hat OpenShift

Aerospike Kubernetes Operator is a RedHat Marketplace certified operator. It is available through the RedHat certified operators catalog.

You can install the Operator on your OpenShift cluster using any one of the following methods:

OpenShift web consoleโ€‹

This is the procedure to install AKO on Red Hat OpenShift using the web console.

1. Find AKO in the catalogโ€‹

Launch OpenShift web console. Using the Administrator view, navigate to Operators > OperatorHub. Search for Aerospike. Select the Marketplace version of the Aerospike Kubernetes Operator as shown:

2. Install AKOโ€‹

A dialog appears describing the Operator as shown below. Click Install to install the Operator.

3. Configure AKOโ€‹

Configure the Operator installation as shown:


Select openshift-operators as the namespace.


Select Automatic for Upgrade Approval to automatically upgrade the Operator whenever upgrades are available.

4. Verify the installationโ€‹

On successful installation, a message like the following appears:

Select View Operator to verify the Operator details. The details you see should be similar to the following example:

5. Configure the CLIโ€‹

From a terminal, log in to the OpenShift cluster and ensure that the oc and kubectl commands connect to the correct OpenShift cluster.

6. Check AKO logsโ€‹

AKO runs as two replicas by default, for higher availability. Run the following command to follow the logs for the AKO pods.

kubectl -n openshift-operators logs -f deployment/aerospike-operator-controller-manager manager


2023-08-01T09:07:03Z    INFO    setup   Init aerospike-server config schemas
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.3.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.5.2"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "5.6.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.5.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "5.2.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "5.4.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.0.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.7.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "6.0.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "5.7.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.1.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "5.1.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.5.1"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.6.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "5.0.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "6.1.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "6.2.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "6.4.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "6.3.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.2.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.5.3"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "5.5.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "5.3.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.3.1"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.4.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.8.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.9.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "7.0.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "7.1.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "7.2.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO aerospikecluster-resource Registering mutating webhook to the webhook server
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO controller-runtime.webhook Registering webhook {"path": "/mutate-asdb-aerospike-com-v1-aerospikecluster"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO controller-runtime.builder skip registering a mutating webhook, object does not implement admission.Defaulter or WithDefaulter wasn't called {"GVK": ", Kind=AerospikeCluster"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO controller-runtime.builder Registering a validating webhook {"GVK": ", Kind=AerospikeCluster", "path": "/validate-asdb-aerospike-com-v1-aerospikecluster"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO controller-runtime.webhook Registering webhook {"path": "/validate-asdb-aerospike-com-v1-aerospikecluster"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO setup Starting manager
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO controller-runtime.webhook.webhooks Starting webhook server
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO Starting server {"path": "/metrics", "kind": "metrics", "addr": ""}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO controller-runtime.certwatcher Updated current TLS certificate
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO Starting server {"kind": "health probe", "addr": "[::]:8081"}
I0801 09:07:03.213295 1 leaderelection.go:248] attempting to acquire leader lease operators/
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO controller-runtime.webhook Serving webhook server {"host": "", "port": 9443}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO controller-runtime.certwatcher Starting certificate watcher

7. Grant permissions to the target namespacesโ€‹

AKO is installed in the openshift-operators namespace. Grant additional permission (by configuring ServiceAccounts and RoleBindings/ClusterRoleBindings) for the target Kubernetes namespace where the Aerospike clusters are created.

There are two ways to grant permission for the target namespaces:

  1. Using kubectl
  2. Using akoctl plugin

Using kubectlโ€‹

The procedure to use the namespace aerospike is as follows:

Create the namespaceโ€‹

Create the Kubernetes namespace if not already created:

kubectl create namespace aerospike

Create a service accountโ€‹

kubectl -n aerospike create serviceaccount aerospike-operator-controller-manager

Create RoleBinding/ClusterRoleBinding for Aerospike clusterโ€‹

Next, create a RoleBinding or ClusterRoleBinding as per requirement to attach this service account to ClusterRole aerospike-cluster. This ClusterRole is created as part of AKO installation and grants Aerospike cluster permission to service account.

  • For using Kubernetes native Pod only network to connect to Aerospike cluster create RoleBinding:
kubectl -n aerospike create rolebinding aerospike-cluster --clusterrole=aerospike-cluster --serviceaccount=aerospike:aerospike-operator-controller-manager
  • For connecting to Aerospike cluster from outside Kubernetes create ClusterRoleBinding:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding aerospike-cluster --clusterrole=aerospike-cluster --serviceaccount=aerospike:aerospike-operator-controller-manager

For attaching multiple service accounts of different namespaces in one go, add multiple --serviceaccount params in above command

Example: To attach service accounts of aerospike and aerospike1 namespace
kubectl create clusterrolebinding aerospike-cluster --clusterrole=aerospike-cluster --serviceaccount=aerospike:aerospike-operator-controller-manager --serviceaccount=aerospike1:aerospike-operator-controller-manager

If the required ClusterRoleBinding already exists in cluster, edit it to attach new service account:

kubectl edit clusterrolebinding aerospike-cluster

This command launches an editor. Append the following lines to the subjects section:

  # A new entry for aerospike.
# Replace aerospike with your namespace
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: aerospike-operator-controller-manager
namespace: aerospike

Save and ensure that the changes are applied.

Using akoctl pluginโ€‹

For instructions on installing the akoctl plugin, see akoctl installation.

The procedure to use the namespace aerospike is as follows:

  • For using Kubernetes native Pod only network to connect to Aerospike cluster grant namespace scope permission:
kubectl akoctl auth create -n aerospike --cluster-scope=false
  • For connecting to Aerospike cluster from outside Kubernetes grant cluster scope permission:
kubectl akoctl auth create -n aerospike

For granting permission of multiple namespaces in one go, specify comma separated namespace list in -n param

Example: To grant permission for aerospike and aerospike1 namespace
kubectl akoctl auth create -n aerospike,aerospike1