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Managing Migrations


Aerospike balances data in the cluster by migrating it between cluster nodes. Migrations in an Aerospike cluster do not move single records. Data moves as a part of a partition and are monitored on a per-namespace basis. For each namespace, every record is mapped to one of 4096 partitions. These partitions are distributed throughout the cluster. When a cluster migrates data, it moves the partition atomically, in other words ensuring that the move is completed successfully or not at all. Depending on your settings, more or fewer partitions may be migrated at the same time.

Migrations occur in the following scenarios:

  1. Adding a node to the cluster.
  2. Removing a node from the cluster.
  3. Any network changes that leads to cluster size changes.

Version 4.3.1 Enterprise Edition introduces the migrate-fill-delay parameter to control migrations. Refer to the Delay Migrations page for further details.

Monitoring migrations


Version 4.3 introduces the cluster-stable info command. Running this command with the ignore-migrations flag set to no or false will return the cluster_key only if migrations have completed.

There are multiple ways to monitor migrations in the cluster:

  1. Using asadm: The output of asadm -e 'info namespace' has details on the migrations status. The column for 'Migrates' shows the current status. If there are no ongoing migrations, the column shows (0,0).

Refer to the Aerospike Admin User Guide for further details.

Admin> info namespace
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Namespace Information~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Namespace Node Avail% Evictions Master Replica Repl Stop Pending Disk Disk HWM Mem Mem HWM Stop
. . . . (Objects,Tombstones) (Objects,Tombstones) Factor Writes Migrates Used Used% Disk% Used Used% Mem% Writes%
. . . . . . . . (tx%,rx%) . . . . . . .
test 192.168.122.xx:3000 91 0.000 (976.732 K,0.000 ) (1.023 M,0.000 ) 2 false (0,0) 488.280 MB 6 50 253.694 MB 40 60 90
test 192.168.122.yy:3000 91 0.000 (1.023 M,0.000 ) (976.732 K,0.000 ) 2 false (0,0) 488.280 MB 6 50 253.694 MB 40 60 90
test 0.000 (2.000 M,0.000 ) (2.000 M,0.000 ) (0,0) 976.561 MB 507.389 MB
Number of rows: 3

  1. From the logs: The log ticker (regular default 10 seconds interval) provides information about the migrations state for each namespace. Grepping the logs for 'migrations' returns the following:
cat /var/log/aerospike/aerospike.log | grep "migrations"

Apr 27 2016 18:19:59 GMT: INFO (partition): (partition.c::3195) {test} re-balanced, expected migrations - (0 tx, 2731 rx)

# The following line would show completed migrations:
Apr 29 2016 19:30:17 GMT: INFO (info): (thr_info.c::5063) {test} migrations - complete

Refer to Server Log Messages for further details on log messages.

  1. From the statistics: There is one service level statistic, migrate_partitions_remaining which indicates whether there are any ongoing migrations on the current node. This statistic should be only consulted when migrate_allowed returns true. Other namespace level statistics are also available.

Tuning migrations

Aerospike provides several configuration parameters to control the amount of migrations. The default values are intended, as much as possible, to have migrations traffic not interfere with the client application(s) transactions. Under specific situations, it may be necessary to alter those values in order to either speed up or slow down migrations traffic.

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
migrate-threadsNumber of threads that perform migrations.1
migrate-max-num-incomingMaximum number of partitions a node can be receiving records from at any given time.4
migrate-sleepTime that migrations sleep after migrating each record, in microseconds.1
migrate-orderNumber between 1 and 10 which determines the order namespaces are to be processed when migrating. Namespaces with lower migrate-order values process migrations first. Use this configuration to prioritize migrations by namespace. This configuration is useful for prioritizing migrations for in-memory namespaces, to minimize the risk of data loss if a node leaves the cluster during migrations.5
channel-bulk-recv-threadsNumber of threads processing intra-cluster messages arriving through the bulk channel. This channel is used for record migrations during rebalance.4
channel-bulk-fdsNumber of bulk channel sockets to open to each neighbor node. Twice this number of sockets per neighbor will be opened since the neighbor nodes will open the same number of sockets back to this node.2

Speeding up the migration rate

The following configuration parameters can be modified in order to speed up the migrations traffic.


The cluster performance (throughput/latencies) should be monitored when any of those configuration parameter is modified to ensure the impact on the client application(s) traffic is acceptable. We recommend that you proceed by incremental steps and validate and monitor between each.

  • migrate-sleep can be decreased to a minimum value of 0.
  • migrate-max-num-incoming can be increased to allow more concurrent incoming partitions to a given node. In a cluster of N nodes, with MT migrate-threads, each node could theoretically receive a maximum of (N-1) x MT partitions concurrently.
  • migrate-threads can be increased. It is important to keep migrate-max-num-incoming to a corresponding healthy value to avoid having some node potentially receiving too many partitions concurrently, especially when introducing a new empty node in a cluster.

The following 2 configuration parameters can also be tuned to accommodate even higher migrations traffic:

  • channel-bulk-recv-threads can be increased from the default 4, to a higher number, for example, 8, or 16. Make sure the network bandwidth is also monitored when increasing those threads.
  • channel-bulk-fds can also be increased, but would require a restart as it is not dynamically configurable.

To dynamically change those settings use asadm's manage config command:


Tools package 6.0.x or later is required to use asadm's manage config commands. Otherwise, use the equivalent asinfo - set-config command.

Admin+> manage config namespace <namespace> param migrate-sleep to <sleep time in microseconds>
Admin+> manage config service param migrate-max-num-incoming to <max number of incoming partitions>
Admin+> manage config service param migrate-threads to <number of threads>
Admin+> manage config network fabric param channel-bulk-recv-threads to <number of threads>

Finally, migrations can be prioritized across namespaces. The migrate-order configuration parameter controls the priority between namespaces. The namespace with the lowest migrate-order value is processed first. The namespace with the highest migrate-order value is processed last.

Use the following command to modify migrate-order for all nodes in the cluster:

Admin+> manage config namespace <namespace> param migrate-order to <order value>

Delaying fill migrations

As of version 4.3.1, the migrations can significantly be reduced to a minimum for usual maintenance operational procedure such as rolling restarts. For such operating procedures where nodes are brought down one at a time and brought back with data, the migrate-fill-delay prevents unnecessary migrations of unchanged data to other nodes in the cluster as those would be cancelled as the node that was taken down is brought back with data. Lead migrations (for the data that was changed while the node was out of the cluster) will still proceed. For example, if nodes will be taken down for no more than 1 hour at a time, the following command will prevent any fill migrations for up to 1 hour:

Admin+> manage config service param migrate-fill-delay to 3600

Refer to the migrate-fill-delay configuration parameter for further details.

Slowing down the migration rate

If migrations do seem to impact the performance of the cluster, and for cases where the above mentioned migrate-fill-delay cannot be leveraged, the migration rate can be slowed down. Assuming default configurations were kept, the best way to slow the migration rate is to increase the migrate-sleep configuration. migrate-sleep is the number of microseconds that migrations sleep between each record transmitted out. The migrate-max-num-incoming can then be decreased (default 4) to reduce the number of partitions a node can receive concurrently. The migrate-threads should in such scenario be kept at its default (1) to ensure at most 1 partition migrated at a time on any node. Setting migrate-threads to 0 will pause migrations, but only after the partitions which were migrating, do complete.