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Aerospike tools

This page describes the tools that are available for use with Aerospike Database.


Aerospike provides a number of different tools for working with and managing Aerospike Database servers.

  • Core tools are packaged and installed with the Aerospike Database. They are described in Packaged tools.
  • Additional tools that are not installed with the Aerospike Database are described in Non-packaged tools.

Packaged tools

ToolWhen to use it
Aerospike Admin (asadm)View the current health of a cluster, manage the ACL, UDFS, and secondary indexes, change dynamic configurations, and tune commands across the cluster.
Aerospike Benchmark (asbench)Create performance benchmarks for an Aerospike cluster. Benchmark jobs are highly configurable and allow for arbitrary data formats and access patterns.
Aerospike Configuration (asconfig)Configure the Aerospike Database or validate and view diffs for Aerospike configuration files. The same files can be used with IDE integration for Aerospike configuration files.
Aerospike Info (asinfo)Make requests to individual servers, gather statistics, and set a variety of tuning parameters. You can use asinfo commands within an asadm shell to issue commands to all nodes in a cluster.
Aerospike Quick Look (AQL)Browse cluster data and manage user-defined functions (UDFs).
Aerospike Unique Data Agent (uda)Monitor unique data usage in your clusters as is relevant to your license agreement. The agent logs data usage once an hour, on the hour, and data is available using asadm or through UDA's REST API.
Backup (asbackup) and Restore (asrestore)Back up and restore the Aerospike Database. Perform backups from a node outside the cluster, saving all the cluster's data into a directory of text files or a single text file, and restore backups to specific bins or sets.
Log Latency Tool (asloglatency)Analyze a log file and display the different components of a transaction.

Non-packaged tools

ToolWhen to use it
Aerospike Backup Service (ABS)ABS is a set of REST API endpoints that run on a virtual machine or Docker container. Use ABS to back up and restore an Aerospike Database cluster.
Aerospike Certification Tool (ACT)ACT is a pair of programs for testing and certifying Flash/SSD device performance for Aerospike Database data and index storage. Use ACT to measure latency during a mixed load of read and write operations while modeling the Aerospike Database server's I/O pattern as closely as practical.
Aerospike Loader (asloader)Import data from other databases to Aerospike. You can dump data from different databases in .dsv format and use this tool to parse and load the data into an Aerospike database.
Aerospike Shared-Memory Tool (ASMT)Back up and restore shared memory segments for faster node restarts in an Aerospike Database Enterprise Edition cluster.
Aerospike Validation Tool (asvalidation)Identify and attempt to fix records with malformed collection data type (CDT) bin values (Map and List).

Community-supported: AeroLab

Use AeroLab to create Aerospike development and testing clusters locally in Docker or remotely on AWS or Google Cloud. AeroLab can help streamline efforts to test cluster configuration options, upgrade procedures, and client applications in a controlled development environment.


Do not use AeroLab for production deployments.