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Configuring Namespace Durability

An important consideration when configuring an Aerospike namespace is how durable does the data need to be. Aerospike provides intracluster replication and cross cluster replication to protect data from server failure.

Intracluster replication

In Aerospike, the replication-factor configuration controls the number of copies of each record that reside in the cluster. Most servers have a replication-factor of 2, which ensures all data in the cluster can survive a single node failure. Replication does increase the total cost of a cluster. With a replication factor 2, the cluster requires twice the storage capacity of a cluster with a replication factor of 1. Replication also suffers a performance penalty, primarily due to the extra network latency incurred by synchronous replication.


Aerospike replicates synchronously on writes to ensure that all copies are consistent across the cluster, which can impact performance. See the XDR documentation for instructions on asynchronous cross-datacenter replication.

Configuring the replication factor is simple. The following example shows a replication factor of 2:

namespace <namespace-name> {
replication-factor 2

Cross-Datacenter Replication (XDR)

Aerospike Enterprise Edition includes the Cross-Datacenter Replication (XDR) feature to replicate data among clusters. For more information on XDR configuration, see the configuration documentation.

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