Run Aerospike restore
This page describes how to use the Aerospike restore (asrestore
) tool.
Get started
To run asrestore
, specify the following options:
: IP address or hostnames of the cluster node to restore.--directory
: Local directory that contains the backup files created withasbackup
: Namespace to be restored;asrestore
restores one namespace at a time.--input-file
: Filename of the backup file to use as the source for a restore.
To restore to a cluster that contains a node with IP address
using backup files in the local
directory backup_2024_08_24
, run the following command:
asrestore --host --directory backup_2024_08_24
By default, the backup is restored to the same source namespace.
If you have a backup taken from namespace test
and you want to restore the data to the namespace prod
, run the following command:
asrestore --host --directory backup_2024_08_24 --namespace test,prod
When you specify the --directory
option, asrestore
looks for multiple .asb
backup files in the given directory. Alternatively, you can use the --input-file
option to make asrestore
read the complete backup from a single file.
asrestore --host HOST --input-file FILENAME
If -
is specified as the file, asrestore
reads the backup from stdin
, which allows for pipelines:
cat backup.asb.gz | gunzip | asrestore --input-file - [...]
Use the --namespace
option to restore to a different namespace. You must specify the comma-separated old and new namespace names:
asrestore --host HOST --directory DIRECTORY --namespace OLD-NAMESPACE,NEW-NAMESPACE
Run with the -Z
or --help
option to see an overview of all supported command-line options.
Connection Options
The following options are available when specifying a cluster to restore:
Option | Default | Description |
-h HOST or --host HOST | | The host that acts as the entry point to the cluster. Any of the cluster nodes can be specified. The remaining cluster nodes will be automatically discovered. |
-p PORT or --port PORT | 3000 | Port to connect to. |
-U USER or --user USER | - | User name with write permission. Mandatory if the server has security enabled. |
-P PASSWORD or --password | - | Password to authenticate the given user. The first form passes the password on the command line. The second form prompts for the password. |
-A or --auth | INTERNAL | Set authentication mode when user and password are defined. Modes are (INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, EXTERNAL_INSECURE, PKI) and the default is INTERNAL. This mode must be set EXTERNAL when using LDAP. |
-t THREADS or --parallel THREADS | 20 | The number of client threads to spawn for writing to the cluster. Higher numbers mean faster restores, which may, however, have a negative impact on server performance. |
--tls-enable | disabled | Indicates a TLS connection should be used. |
-S or --services-alternate | false | Use to connect to alternate-access-address when the cluster nodes publish IP addresses through access-address which are not accessible over WAN and alternate IP addresses accessible over WAN through alternate-access-address . |
Timeout Options
The following options are available to control retries during a restore:
Option | Default | Description |
-T TIMEOUT or --timeout TIMEOUT | 10000 | Timeout (ms) for Aerospike commands to write records, create indexes and create UDFs. |
--socket-timeout MS | 10000 | Socket timeout for write transactions in milliseconds. If this value is 0, it is set to total-timeout. If both are 0, there is no socket idle time limit. |
--total-timeout MS | 0 | Total socket timeout in milliseconds. If this value is 0 and --timeout is set, then the --timeout value is used as the write transaction timeout. Default is 0, that is, no timeout. |
--max-retries N | 5 | Maximum number of retries before aborting the current write transaction. |
--retry-scale-factor MS | 150000 (150ms) | The scale factor to use in the exponential backoff retry strategy, in microseconds. Note: --retry-delay and --sleep-between-retries are deprecated in favor of --retry-scale-factor . |
You can control timeouts with --max-retries
and --retry-scale-factor
. By default, their values are 5 and 150ms, respectively.
follows an exponential backoff strategy when the delay is retry-scale-factor * 2 ** (retry_attempts - 1)
, or 0
on the first try. If the assigned value for --max-retries
is exceeded, the transaction is logged as an error and asrestore
TLS Options
The following security options are available for authentication:
Option | Default | Description |
--tls-cafile=TLS_CAFILE | Path to a trusted CA certificate file. | |
--tls-capath=TLS_CAPATH | Path to a directory of trusted CA certificates. | |
--tls-name=TLS_NAME | The default TLS name used to authenticate each TLS socket connection. Note: this must also match the cluster name. | |
--tls-protocols=TLS_PROTOCOLS | Set the TLS protocol selection criteria. This format is the same as Apache's SSL Protocol. If not specified, asrestore uses TLSv1.2if supported. Otherwise it uses -all +TLSv1`. | |
--tls-cipher-suite=TLS_CIPHER_SUITE | Set the TLS cipher selection criteria. The format is the same as OpenSSL's Cipher List Format. | |
--tls-keyfile=TLS_KEYFILE | Path to the key for mutual authentication (if Aerospike Cluster is supporting it). | |
--tls-keyfile-password=TLS_KEYFILE_PASSWORD | Password to load protected tls-keyfile. It can be one of the following: 1) Environment variable: env:VAR 2) File: file:PATH 3) String: PASSWORD User will be prompted on command line if --tls-keyfile-password specified and no password is given. | |
--tls-certfile=TLS_CERTFILE <path> | Path to the chain file for mutual authentication (if Aerospike Cluster is supporting it). | |
--tls-cert-blacklist PATH | Path to a certificate blocklist file. The file should contain one line for each blocklisted certificate. Each line starts with the certificate serial number expressed in hex. Each entry may optionally specify the issuer name of the certificate (serial numbers are only required to be unique per issuer). Example: 867EC87482B2 /C=US/ST=CA/O=Acme/OU=Engineering/CN=TestChainCA | |
--tls-crl-check | Enable CRL checking for leaf certificate. An error occurs if a valid CRL files cannot be found in TLS_CAPATH. | |
--tls-crl-checkall | Enable CRL checking for entire certificate chain. An error occurs if a valid CRL files cannot be found in TLS_CAPATH. | |
--tls-log-session-info | Enable logging session information for each TLS connection. |
TLSNAME is only used when connecting with a secure TLS enabled server.
The following example restores a cluster backup to node
using the default Aerospike port of 3000
with TLS configured.
asrestore --host --directory backup_2024_08_24 --namespace test --tls-enable --tls-cafile /cluster_name.pem --tls-protocols TLSv1.2 --tls-keyfile /cluster_name.key --tls-certfile /cluster_name.pem
Input Options
The following input options are available to specify the source backup files:
Option | Default | Description |
-d PATH or --directory PATH | - | Directory from which to read the .asb backup files. Mandatory, unless --input-file is given. |
--directory-list PATH1[,PATH2[,...]] | - | A comma-separated list of paths to directories that hold backup files. Required, unless -i or -d is used. The paths may not contain commas. Example: asrestore --directory-list /PATH/TO/DIR1,/PATH/TO/DIR2 |
-i PATH or --input-file PATH | - | The single file from which to read the backup. - means stdin . Mandatory, unless --directory is given. |
-N BANDWIDTH, TPS or --nice BANDWIDTH, TPS | - | Throttles asrestore 's read commands from the backup file(s) to not exceed the given I/O bandwidth in MiB/s and its database write commands to not exceed the given number of transactions per second. Useful to limit the impact of asrestore on server performance. |
--parent-directory DIRECTORY | - | A common root path for all paths used in --directory-list. This path is prepended to all entries in --directory-list. Example: asrestore --parent-directory /common/root/path --directory-list /path/to/dir1/,/path/to/dir2 |
-y COMPRESSION_ALG or --compress COMPRESSION_ALG | none | The decompression algorithm to use on backup files as they are read. This option must match that used when taking the backup. The options available are zstd . Refer to compression and encryption. |
-z ENCRYPTION_ALG or --encrypt ENCRYPTION_ALG | none | The decryption algorithm use on backup files as they are read. This option must match that used when taking the backup. The options available are aes128 and aes256 . This option must be accompanied by either --encryption-key-file or encryption-key-env . Refer to compression and encryption. |
Reading from stdin, piping, and uncompressing
Instead of --input-file
or --directory
, use -
with standard Unix pipes to read the backup data from stdin.
The following example commands uncompress a gzip file and then pipe the data to asrestore
with the dash -
option to read from stdin
gunzip -c BACKUP-FILE.GZ | asrestore --host HOST -i -
zcat BACKUP-FILE.GZ | asrestore --host HOST -i -
cat BACKUP-FILE.GZ | gzip -d | asrestore --host HOST -i -
The following example concatenates a single uncompressed backup file and pipes the data to asrestore
with the dash-
cat BACKUP-FILE | asrestore --host HOST -i -
Output definitions
When asrestore
restores data to a namespace, it prints out a summary line to indicate the status of the restore. Within the status line there are a number of fields that are quantified with integers:
2023-02-15 11:06:45 GMT [INF] [29112] Expired 0 : skipped 0 : err_ignored 0 : inserted 795922: failed 3094502 (existed 0 , fresher 3094502)
The status fields are described as follows:
Field | Description |
expired | The record in the backup set has expired (the current time is greater than the void time) and the record is not loaded into the target. |
skipped | Specific data was selected from the restore. Records not selected are shown as skipped. |
err_ignored | Certain errors such as errors in the bin name or AEROSPIKE_ERR_RECORD_TOO_BIG cause asrestore to ignore the record and log it as err_ignored. |
inserted | Record from backup set successfully inserted into target. |
failed(existed) | The --unique option was chosen for the restore, so only records that do not exist are inserted. Records not inserted due to them existing in the target are logged as failed(existed). |
failed(fresher) | The default mode of asrestore is to check generation on insertion. This avoids inserts if the active record is newer than the backup. This also results in a high client write error count in your source cluster, corresponding to these records being fresher than their corresponding backup. To ignore the generation check, use the --no-generation write policy. |
The Aerospike server counts record insertions that failed due to err_ignored
, failed(existed)
, and failed(fresher)
as failed client writes and increments the client_write_error metric.
Data Selection Options
Use the following options to specify the types of data to be restored:
Option | Default | Description |
-n ORIGINAL-NS,NEW-NS or --namespace ORIGINAL-NS,NEW-NS | Original namespace | Namespace to be restored. By default, asrestore restores a backup to the namespace from which it was taken. If this option is specified and the namespace from which the backup was taken does not match ORIGINAL-NS , asrestore aborts with an error. This ensures that we restore the data that we intend to restore. If NEW-NS is specified, the backup will be restored to NEW-NS instead of the namespace from which it was taken. |
-s SET1,SET2,... or --set-list SET1,SET2,... | All sets | The sets to restore. |
-B BIN1,BIN2,... or --bin-list BIN1,BIN2,... | All bins | The bins to restore. |
-R or --no-records | - | Do not restore any record data (metadata or bin data). By default, asrestore restores record data, secondary index definitions, and UDF modules. |
-I or --no-indexes | - | Do not restore any secondary index definitions. |
-F or --no-udfs | - | Do not restore any UDF modules. |
-K or --ignore-record-error | false | Ignore permanent record specific error. For example, AEROSPIKE_RECORD_TOO_BIG. By default such errors are not ignored and asrestore terminates. Optional: Use verbose mode to see errors in detail. |
Write Policy Options
Use the following options to specify which records take precedence during a restore:
Option | Default | Description |
-u or --unique | - | Existing records take precedence. With this option, only records that do not exist in the namespace are restored, regardless of generation numbers. If a record exists in the namespace, the record from the backup is ignored. Note: this option is mutually exclusive to --replace and --no-generation . |
-g or --no-generation | - | Records from backups take precedence. This option disables the generation check. With this option, records from the backup always overwrite records that already exist in the namespace, regardless of generation numbers. Note: this option is mutually exclusive to --unique . Warning: by using this option you may lose a more recent version of your data by overwriting it with an older version. |
-r or --replace | - | Replace records. This controls how records from the backup overwrite existing records in the namespace. By default, restoring a record from a backup only replaces the bins contained in the backup; all other bins of an existing record remain untouched. With this option, the existing record is completely replaced; that is, any bins that are not contained in the backup are discarded. This option still does a generation check by default and would need to be combined with the -g option if no generation check is desired. Note: this option is mutually exclusive to --unique . |
-l or --extra-ttl N | - | For records with expirable void-times, add N seconds of extra-ttl to the recorded void-time . |
Write policy for duplicate key IDs
If the target namespace already contains keys with the same IDs as the backup you are restoring, asrestore
uses the following write policy logic for managing existing keys:
- If the record from the backup is expired, based on its TTL value, the backup record is ignored.
- If the record does not exist in the namespace, the backup record is added to the namespace.
- If an older version of the record (that is, with a lower generation count) already exists in the namespace, the backup record is restored. If you want
to ignore this condition, specify this option:
does not touch any existing records, regardless of generation counts.
- If a newer version of the record (that is, with a higher or same generation count) already exists in the namespace, the backup record is ignored. If you want
to ignore this condition, specify this option:
overwrites any existing records, regardless of generation count.
- If the record in the namespace contains bins that are not present in the backup, those bins in the namespace are preserved. If you want
to ignore this condition, specify this option:
: When restoring a record from the backup,asrestore
does not preserve namespace bins that are not present in the backup.
Transaction Processing Options
Use the following options to specify details in write transactions:
Option | Default | Description |
--batch-size N | 128 or 16 | The max allowed number of records per C client async batch write call. Default is 128 with batch writes enabled, or 16 without batch writes. Without batch writes, records are grouped and written in a logical "batch". |
--max-async-batches N | 32 | The max number of outstanding async record batch write calls at a time. For pre-6.0 servers, batches are only a logical grouping of records, and each record is uploaded individually. The true max number of async Aerospike calls would then be max-async-batches * batch-size. |
--disable-batch-writes | - | Disables the use of batch writes when restoring records to the Aerospike cluster. By default, the cluster is checked for batch write support, so only set this flag if you explicitly don't want batch writes to be used, or asrestore is failing to recognize that batch writes are disabled and is failing to work because of it. |
--event-loops N | 1 | The number of C client event loops to initialize for processing of asynchronous Aerospike transactions. |
Additional options for asrestore
Use the following additional options to read more information about a restore transaction, work with secondary indexes, or validate backup files:
Option | Default | Description |
-v or --verbose | disabled | Output considerably more information about the running restore. |
-L or --indexes-last | - | Create indexes after restoring everything else. By default, indexes are restored before everything else, which can prevent costly SSD reads required to build the indexes. |
-w or --wait | - | Wait for secondary indexes to finish building before proceeding. Wait for restored UDFs to be distributed across the cluster. |
-m or --machine PATH | - | Output machine-readable status updates to the given path, typically a FIFO. |
--validate | - | Validate the integrity of the backup files but do not restore any data. |
Configure asrestore
with configuration files
You can configure asrestore
with Aerospike Tools configuration files. See Aerospike Tools Configuration for more information.
The following options affect configuration file behavior:
Option | Default | Description |
--no-config-file | disabled | Do not read any configuration file. Mutually exclusive to --only-config-file . |
--instance NAME | - | Section with these instance is read. For example, in case instance a is specified sections cluster_a , asrestore_a is read. |
--config-file PATH | - | Read this file after default configuration file. |
--only-config-file PATH | - | Read only this configuration file. Mutually exclusive to --no-config-file . |
error messages
may return any of the following error messages:
- Record exists: When the
option is used, this informational message is displayed. - Generation mismatch: The backup copy and existing copy of a key do not match, and so the key is not restored. You can override this behavior with the
option. - Invalid username or password: The wrong username or password was specified on the command line.
When encountering any of these errors, asrestore
skips the affected record and moves on.