Aerospike Configuration (asconfig)
is in beta. Functionality and issues may change rapidly. If you have suggestions, issues, or would like to contribute code, post an issue or open a pull request on the asconfig GitHub repository.
Use asconfig to manage your Aerospike configuration. The main features of asconfig
- converts between YAML and Aerospike Database configuration format,
- generates a config file from a running node,
- validates configuration files against versioned schemas, and
- compares configuration files with a diff. The configuration format is shared with the Aerospike cluster Custom Resource.
Create your Aerospike configuration
To get started:
- Copy an example from this topic or load an Aerospike configuration schema file into your IDE.
- Run
to convert your YAML configuration to an Aerospike configuration file. You can use the converted file to configure the Aerospike database.
For more information about the Aerospike configuration file, see Configure Aerospike Database.
is included in Aerospike tools package 8.3.0 and later in deb, RPM, and Mac .pkg formats.
Directions for installing from source are at the asconfig GitHub repository.
asconfig COMMAND [flags] [arguments]
Supported Commands
Command | Description |
completion [flags] SHELL | Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell |
convert [flags] PATH/TO/CONFIG | Convert between YAML and Aerospike configuration format |
generate [flags] PATH/TO/CONFIG | Generate a configuration file from a running Aerospike node |
diff [flags] PATH/TO/CONFIG1 PATH/TO/CONFIG2 | Find differences between configuration files |
validate [flags] PATH/TO/CONFIG | Validate an Aerospike configuration file |
help [command] | Display help information for any command |
Usage examples
Use the convert
command to convert between YAML and Aerospike configurations while performing schema validation.
This validation ensures that Aerospike configuration files used with asconfig
run with the specified version of the Aerospike server.
Convert local file aerospike.yaml
to the Aerospike configuration format, validating for Database 6.2.0.x, and
write it to local file, aerospike.conf
asconfig convert --aerospike-version "6.2.0" --output aerospike.conf aerospike.yaml
Short form flags and source file only conversions are also supported.
In this case, -a
is the server version and using only a source file means
the result is written to stdout.
asconfig convert -a "6.2.0" aerospike.yaml
Convert local file aerospike.conf
to YAML format, validating for Database 6.2.0.x, and
write it to local file, aerospike.yaml
asconfig convert --aerospike-version "6.2.0" --output aerospike.yaml aerospike.conf
The diff
command points out missing and differing items in Aerospike configuration files.
works with any file format supported by asconfig
, as long as all input files are the same format.
Find differences in Aerospike configuration files.
asconfig diff cluster_1.conf cluster_2.conf
Differences shown from cluster_1.conf to cluster_2.conf, '<' are from file1, '>' are from file2.
<: [/test/dev/xvdf-index]
>: [/mnt/pmem1]
<: 4294967296
>: 1073741824
<: flash
>: pmem
<: namespaces.{test}.storage-engine.devices
>: namespaces.{test}.storage-engine.files
>: namespaces.{test}.storage-engine.filesize
<: device
>: pmem
<: mesh
>: multicast
The generate
command is currently in beta and has the following limitations:
- Community Edition is not supported
- Generated static configuration is missing:
- logging.syslog context
- mod-lua context
- service.user parameter
- parameter
The generate
command generates an Aerospike configuration file from a running node.
The following example generates a configuration file from host
with authentication enabled, and writes to an output file:
asconfig generate -h -U USERNAME -P PASSWORD -o aerospike.conf
The following example generates a configuration file from localhost and writes the output to stdout in YAML format:
asconfig generate -U USERNAME -P PASSWORD -F yaml
The validate
command checks an Aerospike configuration file against an
Aerospike configuration schema file and ensures that it is valid for the given version of the Aerospike Database.
You must include the --aerospike-version
or -a
flag to indicate which version of the Aerospike Database you want to validate the configuration file for.
A configuration file that passes validation prints no output.
asconfig validate --aerospike-version 7.0.0 aerospike_7.0.0_config.YAML
Configuration files that fail validation prints errors describing the problem.
In the following example, "aerospike_7.0.0_config.conf" is missing the required cluster-name
service field, and has a evict-used-pct
field greater than the maximum allowed value.
asconfig validate -a 6.4.0 aerospike_7.0.0_config.conf
context: (root)
context: (root)
- description: Must be less than or equal to 100, error-type: number_lte
context: (root).service
- description: cluster-name is required, error-type: required
The validate
command specifies what changes to make to
configuration files when upgrading Aerospike Database versions.
The following example validates aerospike_6.4.0_config.conf
against the Aerospike 7.0.0 schema, showing values that must change in order for the configuration
to run with Aerospike Database 7.0.
reports changes necessary to make a valid configuration which is compatible
with the version of the Aerospike Database specified by the --aerospike-version flag.
It does not report how the functionality specified in the older configuration
file is affected by the conversion. Changes suggested by asconfig
change the functionality that the configuration file invokes.
Ensuring that a configuration file invokes the desired functionality is up to the user.
asconfig validate -a 7.0.0 aerospike_6.4.0_config.conf
context: (root).namespaces.0
- description: Additional property memory-size is not allowed, error-type: additional_property_not_allowed
context: (root)
- description: data-size is required, error-type: required
context: (root).namespaces.1
- description: Additional property memory-size is not allowed, error-type: additional_property_not_allowed
context: (root).namespaces.1.index-type
- description: Additional property mounts-high-water-pct is not allowed, error-type: additional_property_not_allowed
- description: Additional property mounts-size-limit is not allowed, error-type: additional_property_not_allowed
- description: mounts-budget is required, error-type: required
context: (root).namespaces.1.sindex-type
- description: Additional property mounts-high-water-pct is not allowed, error-type: additional_property_not_allowed
- description: Additional property mounts-size-limit is not allowed, error-type: additional_property_not_allowed
- description: mounts-budget is required, error-type: required
context: (root)
- description: data-size is required, error-type: required
context: (root).service
- description: cluster-name is required, error-type: required
Editor-supported, real-time schema validation
Although asconfig
validates your configuration file at conversion time, we recommend that you install the Red Hat YAML VS Code extension.
The extension allows using the Aerospike configuration JSON schema files for code suggestions in VS Code when creating your own YAML configuration.
The JSON schema files used by asconfig
and in this example are stored in the Aerospike schemas GitHub repository. To write your own YAML configuration file, clone the repository and follow the example below.
You can load schema files into most IDE's to get code suggestions. The following steps detail this process in VS Code.
Install the Red Hat YAML VS Code extension.
In VS Code, go to Preferences, then Settings. Search for "YAML schema" and click Edit in settings.json.
Use the following example to add a yaml.schemas mapping to your settings.json. Replace
with the path to your local clone of the Aerospike schemas repo."yaml.schemas": {
"/absolute/path/to/schemas/repo/json/aerospike/6.2.0.json": ["/*aerospike.yaml"]
}This will associate all files ending in "aerospike.yaml" with the 6.2.0 Aerospike YAML schema.
Now you can use the code suggestions from the 6.2.0 Aerospike YAML schema to write your YAML configuration.
Configuration examples
This is an example YAML configuration file and the command to convert it to an Aerospike configuration file for Database 6.2.0.x.
feature-key-file: /etc/aerospike/features.conf
- name: console
any: info
port: 3000
port: 3001
mode: mesh
port: 3002
- local
- name: elastic
connector: true
- 8080
- name: test
- name: test
memory-size: 3000000000
replication-factor: 2
type: device
- /opt/aerospike/data/test.dat
filesize: 2000000000
data-in-memory: true
asconfig convert -a 6.2.0 example.yaml -o example.conf
Example.conf is now ready to configure the Aerospike database.
For more examples see the aerospikeConfig
property from the Aerospike Kubernetes Operator examples.