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Install on Google Compute Engine


Installing Aerospike on a Google Compute Engine VM instance is similar to the Ubuntu installation. The following steps are a quick way to get started with an in-memory configuration.


Aerospike's Community Edition is configured to transmit anonymous usage statistics. We ask your help in making Aerospike better by leaving this feature enabled. You can learn about our goals, how we use the data, and how to disable the feature here.

Google Developers Console

We assume that you have already signed up for the Google Cloud Platform. If not, do this next.

  • Go to your Google Developers Console at:
  • Either select a Project where you want to install Aerospike, or create a new project by clicking on "Create Project".

Google Compute Engine has a quota limit of 8 CPU cores for the Free Trial. We suggest that you make a request to increase this quota for your Project.

Create VM

On the Project Dashboard, click on "Create Instance".

Use the following options:

  • Name: aerospike-server
  • Zone: us-central-1f (Choose a zone which is geographically close to your location)
  • Machine Type: n1-standard-2
  • Boot Source: New disk from image
  • Image: Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04 LTS
  • Boot disk: Standard persistent disk

Use defaults for other options and click on "Create".

Your instance should come up and be listed in about a minute.

Firewall Rules

  • On the instance page, click on the "default" link under the "Network" section. Here you can add firewall rules for the Project.
  • Under Firewall Rules, click on "Create New"
  • Use the following values to create a rule for Aerospike server
    • Name: Aerospike Server:
    • Source IP Ranges:
    • Protocols and Ports: tcp:3000-3004
  • Add another firewall rule for the Aerospike Management Console
    • Name: Aerospike Management Console:
    • Source IP Ranges:
    • Protocols and Ports: tcp:8081

Install Aerospike

Click on the "SSH" button. You may connect using the browser or the "gcloud" command line tool.

sudo su -
apt-get update
wget -O aerospike-server.tgz
tar -zxvf aerospike-server.tgz
cd aerospike-server-community-*


sudo su -
apt-get update
wget -O aerospike-server.tgz
tar -zxvf aerospike-server.tgz
cd aerospike-server-community-*

Start Aerospike

service aerospike start

Configure Network and Storage

Read the instructions for getting a cluster up: CONFIGURE NETWORK

Check out how to setup storage to persist the data: CONFIGURE STORAGE