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Histograms from Aerospike Logs


Histograms plot the distribution of latencies for various transaction types that are processed by an Aerospike cluster. You can use them for in-depth analysis of the activity on your system.

Writes to the log file

Periodically, the Aerospike server writes histograms to the log file. The frequency of writes to the log file is controlled by the ticker-interval configuration parameter.

Histograms begin with the text "histogram dump:" followed by:

  • the histogram name
  • the number of measurements represented by the histogram
  • a maximum of four buckets each
    • The form for each bucket is (BUCKET_NUMBER: NUM_OBSERVED). The threshold for a given bucket is 2BUCKET_NUMBER units.

Example histogram dump

The following example shows a read histogram for the namespace test where 36,453,689,581 measurements are reported, 36,414,385,962 of which were less than 1ms (20ms):

Jun 09 2020 21:40:06 GMT: INFO (info): (hist.c:240) histogram dump: {test}-read (36453689581 total) msec
Jun 09 2020 21:40:06 GMT: INFO (info): (hist.c:257) (00: 36414385962) (01: 0031233450) (02: 0007841324) (03: 0000215526)
Jun 09 2020 21:40:06 GMT: INFO (info): (hist.c:257) (04: 0000002198) (05: 0000000693) (06: 0000000590) (07: 0000000716)
Jun 09 2020 21:40:06 GMT: INFO (info): (hist.c:257) (08: 0000001405) (09: 0000002365) (10: 0000004646) (11: 0000000706)

Some histograms provide metrics which are not latency related, such as accessed object sizes on read/write transactions, and number of records returned by secondary index queries.

High level characteristics of histogram output

  • Histograms only appear in the logs if they contain data. For example, a batch-specific histogram on a server which does not do any batch read operations would not be present.

  • Read and write histograms are tracked on per-namespace level basis. If latencies are only observed on a specific namespace, it is easier to track down based on the specific data in the namespace and the application writing to it.

  • To analyze transactions in detail, turn on the relevant configuration-enabled benchmark histograms specific to the transaction type.

  • Turning on a couple of the non-default histograms usually does not impact the performance of a cluster. However, in some cases, turning on more than a few of those configurable histograms could have a noticeable impact on the performance of a cluster.

  • Analyzing a time period that bridges a server restart distorts results of time slices and average/maximum calculations.

  • Histogram data can also be retrieved through the asadm show latencies command.

  • By default, latency histograms are measured in milliseconds, and can be configured to microseconds. See microsecond-histograms for details.


To analyze histogram data, refer to the Log Latency Tool guide, or the histogram command of the Aerospike Admin (asadm) tool when used under the log analyzer mode.

Notational conventions

  • Required braces, like {ns}, where ns is the name of a namespace, indicate an input variable you supply on the asinfo command line.
  • Brackets, like fabric-[channel]-send-init, for the different fabric channels, indicate an output name of the particular histogram type.


Benchmarks are active as either auto-enabled or configuration-enabled.

Auto-enabled benchmarks

Auto-enabled benchmarks are a set of histograms that measure end-to-end performance of Aerospike subsystems and appear only when the histogram has data to display. They give a high-level view of what is happening on a node at a given point in time. These benchmark stats are written to the Aerospike log file at 10 second intervals and can be used to spot things such as latency in a certain transaction type.


Time taken for read requests from the time they are received at the node to when the response leaves the node.


Time taken for writes from end-to-end (includes the time taken for replica write). Does not include deletes. For server versions prior to 4.4, this histogram only included the final "chunk" when reading a large request out of the socket, and therefore could under-report the latency.


Time taken for UDF transactions.


Batch read "parent" transaction. Tracks the time taken from the start of the transaction to getting a response. For server versions prior to 4.4, this histogram only included the final "chunk" when reading a large request out of the socket, and therefore could under-report the latency. If batch calls are showing high latencies on the client side, consider changing the maxConcurrentThreads, for example, in the Java client library, set Batch Policy from the default 1 (sequential) to 0 (or a number greater than 0). Configuring the maxConcurrentThreads allows concurrent synchronous batch request threads to be sent to server nodes at any time.


This displays the number of records per batch request sent to the cluster node. This histogram shows the distribution of counts, and not latencies. This histogram is introduced in server version 7.1.


Time taken for batch (sub) read requests from the time they are received at the node to when the response leaves the node. This histogram is introduced in server version 6.4.


Time taken for batch (sub) writes from end-to-end (includes the time taken for replica write). Does not include deletes. This histogram is introduced in server version 6.4.


Time taken for batch (sub) UDF transactions. This histogram is introduced in server version 6.4.


Time taken for query transactions. This histogram is removed as of server version 6.0.


This displays the records returned per query. This histogram shows the distribution of counts, and not latencies. Note: the first bucket in histogram is always empty as queries not returning any records do not get counted in this histogram. This histogram is removed as of server version 6.0.


Time taken for primary index short query transactions. This histogram is introduced in server version 6.0.


This displays the records returned per primary index short query. This histogram shows the distribution of counts, and not latencies. Note: the first bucket in histogram is always empty as queries not returning any records do not get counted in this histogram. This histogram is introduced in server version 6.0.


Time taken for secondary index short query transactions. This histogram is introduced in server version 6.0.


This displays the records returned per secondary index short query. This histogram shows the distribution of counts, and not latencies. Note: the first bucket in histogram is always empty as queries not returning any records do not get counted in this histogram. This histogram is introduced in server version 6.0.


Latencies when re-replicating. Only available in strong consistency enabled namespaces.


Time taken for read operations that also touch the record according to the default-read-touch-ttl-pct configuration parameter (or equivalent client policy). This histogram is introduced in server version 7.1.

Configuration-enabled benchmarks

Configuration-enabled benchmarks include specific histograms that you can enable or disable dynamically. These benchmarks are more granular than the auto-enabled benchmarks. If you contact Aerospike Support for assistance with a problem, they may request that you enable a few sets that are relevant to your issue. If you keep these benchmarks permanently enabled, they may impact performance.


Tools package 6.0.x or later is required to use asadm's manage config commands. Otherwise, use the equivalent asinfo - set-config command.

General transaction histogram

To enable a specific benchmark, use the following command:

asadm -e 'enable; manage config service param <configuration> to true'
Type of HistogramDescriptionConfiguration
infoTime taken for an info protocol transaction.enable-hist-info

Specific transaction benchmarks

The transaction benchmarks are monitored at the per-namespace level.

Proxy transaction analysis

Displays time for a proxy transaction from the sender view.

asadm -e 'enable; manage config namespace <namespaceName> param enable-hist-proxy to true'


Time taken for proxy transactions.

Fabric transaction analysis

Displays the time for a fabric transaction from sender's view.

asadm -e 'enable; manage config service param enable-benchmarks-fabric to true'


Histogram that tracks the time taken for preparing a message for sending over fabric (intra cluster communication). Does not include any network operations. Replace [channel] with one of bulk (migrations), ctrl (paxos and migration control), meta (smd) or rw (read / write transactions).


Histogram that tracks the time taken from end of send-init and stops after the network send. Can be hit multiple times if message was too big to fit in the send buffer. Replace [channel] with one of bulk (migrations), ctrl (paxos and migration control), meta (smd) or rw (read / write transactions).


Histogram that tracks the time taken from the beginning of the first byte of a message from network and ends after network recv. Can be hit multiple times if message was big enough to require multiple network recv calls. Replace [channel] with one of bulk (migrations), ctrl (paxos and migration control), meta (smd) or rw (read / write transactions).


Histogram that tracks the time taken to process the transaction on the receiving node (rw, bulk, control, meta). Replace [channel] with one of bulk (migrations), ctrl (paxos and migration control), meta (smd) or rw (read / write transactions).

Ops subtransaction analysis

Displays slices of internally generated ops subtransactions from a background scan or query.

asadm -e 'enable; manage config namespace <namespaceName> param enable-benchmarks-ops-sub to true'


Time taken from the beginning of a transaction to when a node partition is reserved. This includes the demarshal part (tracked for all transactions under svc-demarshal for server versions prior to 4.8).


Time taken for a partition to be reserved to a partition being re-reserved (possible internal restart/reattempt, e.g. "key busy"). Refer to the write-restart histogram for further details about transactions being reattempted.


Time taken from a partition reserved to duplicates resolved (only during ongoing data rebalancing). Note that timeouts are not included.


Time taken from partition reserved or after duplicate resolution to an actual master record applied.


Time taken from master record written to replica(s) written.


Time taken from master write (if write-commit-level configured to master) or replica write to client response completion.

Read transaction analysis

Displays slices of a single-record read transaction.

asadm -e 'enable; manage config namespace <namespaceName> param enable-benchmarks-read to true'


Time taken from the beginning of a transaction to when a node partition is reserved. High latencies here could indicate bottleneck at the network or CPU (and often irq balancing) as well as in the transaction queue. This includes the demarshal time (tracked for all transactions under svc-demarshal for server versions prior to 4.8) as well as the time spent in a transaction queue (tracked for all transactions under svc-queue for server versions prior to 4.8). As of Database 4.7, there are no transaction queues and thus only the demarshal time slice is relevant.


Time taken for a partition to be reserved to a partition being re-reserved (possible internal restart/reattempt, e.g. "key busy" on duplicate resolve). For this slice, in the case of a potential hotkey, the clock actually starts as soon as the transaction gets into the rw-hash, until it is being reattempted. For versions prior to Database 4.7, the reattempt scenario is this:a transaction first goes through the transaction queue, then gets picked up by a transaction thread, and if there is already an entry in the rw-hash for this record (for transactions required to go through the rw-hash), it will wait for the transaction being processed to complete, which will then put all the transactions waiting on the rw-hash back in the transaction queue in order for those transactions to be reattempted. As of Database 4.7, the process is similar but there is no initial transaction queue/thread phase; also, once the transaction being processed completes, all transactions waiting on the rw-hash are put into an internal transaction queue in order to be reattempted.
The same transaction can be re-queued multiple times (each will be counted as a separate transaction in this slice), but the clock will be reset every time a transaction gets into the rw-hash. Therefore, a transaction being re-queued multiple times will not have its total accumulated time accounted for, but rather only the time it waited in the rw-hash (queued behind a transaction in progress) the last time prior to going through.


Time taken from a partition reserved to duplicates resolved (only during ongoing data rebalancing). Note that timeouts are not included.


Time taken from partition reserved or after duplicate resolution to an actual local record read. For data-in-memory true, this is the slice for reading from memory. For data-in-memory false, this is the slice for reading from the disk except when the record is still in the post-write-cache or in cached (read-page-cache enabled). To troubleshoot further, enable storage benchmarks.


Time taken from local record read to client response completion. High latencies here could indicate a bottleneck on the network or the client, getting slow to consume responses from the server.


Time taken for reading all the copies of a record when the linearize read policy is in effect. This only applies for strong consistency enabled namespaces.

Write transaction analysis

Displays slices of a single-record write transaction, excluding deletes.

asadm -e 'enable; manage config namespace <namespaceName> param enable-benchmarks-write to true'


Time taken from the beginning of a transaction to when a node partition is reserved. High latency here could indicate a bottleneck at the network or CPU, and often IRQ balancing.

A network bottleneck could be explained by max-record-size exceeding the MTU allowed by the network. If leveraging batch writes, an MTU that is smaller than the record sizes or batch size can cause subsequent fragments of a transaction to be delayed when picked up by a service thread.

When compression is enabled, higher latencies could also potentially be observed in this slice. There are no transaction queues, so only the demarshal time slice is relevant.


Time taken for a partition to be reserved to a partition being re-reserved (possible internal restart/reattempt, e.g. "key busy"). For this slice, in the case of a potential hotkey, the clock actually starts as soon as the transaction gets into the rw-hash, until it is being reattempted.

For versions prior to 4.7, the reattempt scenario is this:a transaction first goes through the transaction queue, then gets picked up by a transaction thread, and if there is already an entry in the rw-hash for this record (for transactions required to go through the rw-hash), it will wait for the transaction being processed to complete, which will then put all the transactions waiting on the rw-hash back in the transaction queue in order for those transactions to be reattempted. As of Database 4.7, the process is similar but there is no initial transaction queue/thread phase; also, once the transaction being processed completes, all transactions waiting on the rw-hash are put into an internal transaction queue in order to be reattempted.

The same transaction can be re-queued multiple times (each will be counted as a separate transaction in this slice), but the clock will be reset every time a transaction gets into the rw-hash. Therefore, a transaction being re-queued multiple times will not have its total accumulated time accounted for, but rather only the time it waited in the rw-hash (queued behind a transaction in progress) the last time prior to going through. This also includes restarts from duplicate resolution if any.


Time taken from a partition reserved to duplicates resolved (only during ongoing data rebalancing). Note that timeouts are not included.


Time between when the partition is reserved or after a duplicate resolution finishes, to when an actual master record write to the swb in-memory buffer takes place. Latencies displayed here typically cover the time it took to update secondary indexes when necessary, and/or the read portion of the record write (if a write is an update, the record is read before a write is performed). Here are the details of what would be counted in this slice:

  • read before write
  • because of update
  • because of stored key (sendKey policy set to true)
  • compression at rest
  • sindex
  • commit-to-device true (in SC)
  • binop processing
  • filter processing (if the filter requires reading a bin to evaluate)


Time taken from master record written to replica(s) written.


Time taken from master write (if write-commit-level configured to master) or replica write to client response completion. High latencies here could indicate a bottleneck on the network or the client, getting slow to consume responses from the server.

UDF transaction analysis

Displays slices of a single-record UDF transaction.

asadm -e 'enable; manage config namespace <namespaceName> param enable-benchmarks-udf to true'


Time taken from the beginning of a transaction to when a node partition is reserved. This includes the demarshal part (tracked for all transactions under svc-demarshal for Database versions prior to 4.8) as well as the time spent in the transaction queue (tracked for all transactions under svc-queue for Database versions prior to 4.8). As of Database 4.7, there are no transaction queues and thus only the demarshal time slice is relevant.


Time taken for a partition to be reserved to a partition being re-reserved (possible internal restart/reattempt, e.g. "key busy"). Refer to the write-restart histogram for further details about transactions being reattempted.


Time taken from a partition reserved to duplicates resolved (only during ongoing data rebalancing). Note that timeouts are not included.


Time taken from partition reserved or after duplicate resolution to an actual master record applied.


Time taken from master record written to replica(s) written.


Time taken from master write (if write-commit-level configured to master) or replica write to client response completion.

Sub-UDF transaction analysis

Displays the slices of internally generated UDF transactions, usually by a background UDF, scan or a query.

asadm -e 'enable; manage config namespace <namespaceName> param enable-benchmarks-udf-sub to true'


Time taken from the beginning of a transaction to when a node partition is reserved. This includes the demarshal part (tracked for all transactions under svc-demarshal for Database versions prior to 4.8) as well as the time spent in the transaction queue (tracked for all transactions under svc-queue for Database versions prior to 4.8). As of Database 4.7, there are no transaction queues and thus only the demarshal time slice is relevant.


Time taken for a partition to be reserved to a partition being re-reserved (possible internal restart/reattempt, e.g. "key busy"). Refer to the write-restart histogram for further details about transactions being reattempted.


Time taken from a partition reserved to duplicates resolved (only during ongoing data rebalancing). Note that timeouts are not included.


Time taken from partition reserved or after duplicate resolution to an actual master record applied.


Time taken from master write (if write-commit-level configured to master) or replica write to client response completion.

Batch transaction analysis

Displays the slices for a batch transaction.

asadm -e 'enable; manage config namespace <namespaceName> param enable-benchmarks-batch-sub to true'


Time taken from partition reserved or after duplicate resolution to an actual master record applied via UDF.


Time taken from master record written to replica(s) written.


Time taken from partition reserved or after duplicate resolution to an actual master record applied.


Available in server versions 4.8 and later. The demarshal time for a batch sub-transaction.


For Database 4.8 and later, the time taken from a batch sub-transaction being queued until a node partition is reserved. Prior to 4.8, the time taken from the beginning of a transaction to when a node partition is reserved. This includes the demarshal part (tracked for all transactions under svc-demarshal) as well as the time spent in the transaction queue (tracked for all transactions under svc-queue). Prior to 4.4, this histogram only included the final "chunk" when reading a large request out of the socket, and therefore could under-report the latency. As of Database 4.7, there are no transaction queues and thus only the demarshal time slice is relevant.

Database introduced a problem where this histogram also contains data points that should instead be in thebatch-sub-restart histogram. This is fixed as of version, and also fixed for other server lineages in versions,,,,, and


Time taken from a partition being reserved to a partition being re-reserved (possible internal restart/reattempt). Refer to the write-restart histogram for further details about transactions being reattempted.

Database introduced a problem where this histogram is never populated -- with its data points instead being placed in the batch-sub-start histogram. This is fixed as of version, and also fixed for other server lineages in versions,,,,, and


Time taken from a partition reserved to duplicates resolved (only during ongoing data rebalancing). Note that timeouts are not included.


Time taken from partition reserved or after duplicate resolution to an actual local record read.


Time taken from local record read to batch parent response completion.


Time taken for reading all the copies of a record when the linearize read policy is in effect. This only applies for strong consistency enabled namespaces.

Storage transaction analysis

Storage benchmarks are a set of device-targeted histograms that measure performance of the storage subsystem in time slices. They provide insight into performance issues related to storage devices and PMem storage files. Due to their performance impact, they are disabled by default. You can enable them by passing the set-config command to the asinfo utility.

To enable storage-benchmarks:

asadm -e 'enable; manage config namespace NAMESPACE storage-engine param enable-benchmarks-storage to true'


Histogram that tracks the time taken to read from disk. (Not available for pmem storage.)


Histogram that tracks amount of time taken to write a write block to disk. Not available for PMem storage. Since Database 7.1, the write-block-size configuration parameter has been replaced by flush-size, which specifies the size of these writes. Prior to Database 7.1, the size of a write block is the configured write-block-size. When running with commit-to-device set to true with server versions prior to Database 5.3, this counter will only account for full blocks written and therefore will only count blocks written through the defragmentation process as client writes would write to disk individually rather than at a block level. But when running with commit-to-device set to true with Database 5.3 and later, client writes will also be included in the histogram.


Histogram that tracks amount of time taken to write a write block to a shadow device, when using shadow devices. Not available for PMem storage. In Database 7.1, the write-block-size configuration parameter was replaced by flush-size, which specifies the size of these writes. Prior to Database 7.1, the size of a write block is the configured write-block-size. When running with commit-to-device set to true with server versions prior to 5.3, this counter will only account for full blocks written and therefore will only count blocks written through the defragmentation process as client writes would write to disk individually rather than at a block level. But when running with commit-to-device set to true with server versions 5.3 and later, client writes will also be included in the histogram.


Histogram that tracks the amount of time to read a write block from disk. Not available for PMem storage. In Database 7.1, the write-block-size configuration parameter was replaced by flush-size, which specifies the size of these reads. Prior to Database 7.1, the size of a write-block is the configured write-block-size. Note that as of server version 5.3, tomb-raider device reads are included in this histogram.


Histogram that tracks the time taken for fsync. (Available in server version and below. Deprecated in server version


Histogram that tracks the size of the objects being read.


Histogram that tracks the size of the objects being written. This includes replica writes from other nodes (on namespaces with replication factor 2 or more). This does not include defragmentation writes.

Macro Entries


Tracks proxy transaction performance.


Tracks read transaction performance.


Tracks write transaction performance.


Tracks write performance from start to reply to client.
Should match writes_master unless Aerospike is configured for Asynchronous replication.


Tracks UDF transaction performance.


Tracks Query transaction performance.


Tracks number of rows returned by Queries.

Micro Entries


Histogram of time spent processing batch requests. Includes the time spent doing the send back to the client. Individual reads under the reads related microbenchmarks.


Histogram of time spent processing batch messages in transaction queue.


Histogram of time spent around record_storage close on a defrag path.


Histogram around demarshal loop only.


Histogram of error requests only.


Histogram of time spent to fulfill info request after taking it off the info queue.


Histogram of time spent processing the Info command under the mutex before sending the response on the network.


Histogram of time info transaction spends on info queue.


Histogram of time spent processing info messages in transaction queue.


Histogram of time spent for prole fabric getting queued.


Histogram taken right after transaction is plucked off the queue.


Histogram around as_storage_record_close and as_record_done.


Read histogram from internal to rw_complete.


Histogram around the network send on reads. Slow network or clients slow to consume the response will be reflected in this microbenchmark. For batch index reads, this does not cover the network send but the packaging of the response back on to the parent thread handling the batch.


Histogram from transaction off queue to read_start.


Histogram that tracks duplicate resolution after receiving all messages from other nodes.


Histogram that tracks the time the master waits for other nodes to complete duplicate resolution on reads.


Read histogram from read_start to internal.


Histogram around as_storage_record_open.


Histogram taken from after opening the device to after reading from device.


Histogram from rw_complete to fetching record from rb tree.


Histogram of time spent processing scan messages in transaction queue.


Histogram of time spent around record_storage close on a write path.


Write histogram from internal to either send to prole or return to client (if no replication).


Histogram around the network send on writes.


Histogram that tracks write replication performance (in fabric).


Histogram from transaction off queue to write_start.


Histogram that tracks duplicate resolution after receiving all messages from other nodes.


Histogram that tracks the time the master waits for other nodes to complete duplicate resolution on writes.


Write histogram from write_start to internal.


Histogram of time spent on master between sending read/write transaction to the replica node and the node responding with an acknowledgment.

Storage Entries

SSD_READ_[n] [device]

Histogram that tracks the time to read from disk.


Histogram that tracks amount of time to read WBlock to disk.(WBlocks are typically 128KB)

SSD_WRITE_[n] [device]

Histogram that tracks the amount of time to write WBlock to disk (WBlock is typically 128KB).

Secondary index transaction analysis

This histogram is removed in server version 6.0.