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Metadata Details

List Namespaces​

The following command lists the namespaces:



aql> show namespaces
| namespaces |
| "test" |
| "bar" |
2 rows in set (0.001 secs)

List Sets​

The following command lists all sets:



aql> show sets
| ns_name | set_name | n_objects | stop-write | evict-hwm | delete |
| "test" | "newtest" | 11 | 0 | 0 | "false" |
| "test" | "users" | 1 | 0 | 0 | "false" |
2 rows in set (0.001 secs)

List Bins​

The following command lists all bins:



aql> show bins
| namespace | count | quota | bin |
| "test" | 5 | 65535 | "b" |
| "test" | 5 | 65535 | "c" |
| "test" | 5 | 65535 | "a" |
| "test" | 5 | 65535 | "SUCCESS" |
| "test" | 5 | 65535 | "name" |
5 rows in set (0.000 secs)

List Record Details​

explain select is available in Aerospike Tools package 3.6.1 and later.

The following command displays details for a single record:

explain select * from <ns>.<set> where PK=<primary key value>


aql> explain select * from test.uqr where PK=1
"SET": "uqr",
"DIGEST": "42 7A 64 AE 7B 80 EE 02 3D B8 E9 00 8A F3 FF B0 7F DA EB 58",
"NAMESPACE": "test",
"PARTITION": 2626,
"STATUS": 2,
"TIMEOUT": 1000,
"NODE": "1771FE6C15290C00",


  • “SET” is the set name for the record.
  • “DIGEST” is the digest for the record.
  • “NAMESPACE” is the namespace for the record.
  • “PARTITION” is the partition where the record lives. The partition value is between 1 and 4095.
  • “STATUS” is the status of the operation. It will be the code as returned by the client for the record. E.g: 0 is AEROSPIKE_OK and 2 is AEROSPIKE_ERR_RECORD_NOT_FOUND. See here for list of generic error codes in C - Error Codes.
  • “UDF” tells if the AQL command was run as part of a UDF.
  • "KEY_TYPE" is the type of the key (string/numeric etc) that was sent to the server.
  • “TIMEOUT” is the timeout for the AQL command.
  • “NODE” is the ID of the node where the master record currently lives. The node ID might change during migrations.
  • “POLICY” is the replica read policy that the client can set when reading the record. Two possible values are:
    1) AS_POLICY_REPLICA_MASTER (which is by default) to set the reads to go only to it's master copy and,
    2) AS_POLICY_REPLICA_ANY to read in a round-robin operation on all it's replica copies. Set the policy to AS_POLICY_REPLICA_ANY by executing set replica_any true in AQL.
  • “KEY POLICY” indicates whether the client had sent the key and digest to the server or just the digest. Two possible values are:
    1) AS_POLICY_KEY_SEND if the key was sent along with the digest, and
    2) AS_POLICY_KEY_DIGEST if only the digest was sent.